Beaverton Homeless Youth - Bethel UCC

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Beaverton High School Homeless Students

Bethel UCC Food Drive for Beaverton High School students, December 2023 - Report and video from KGW8

Nancy Winston describes volunteers packing 5 tons of food bags for about 120 homeless students at Beaverton HS to get them through the 9-day break. Reporting by KPTV Fox 12 Oregon

Food bags packed by Bethel UCC Beaverton for homeless students over Spring break 2023


Annual Food Drives to feed Beaverton High School homeless Students


Bethel volunteers prep food boxes for 130 homeless Beaverton High School students Winter break 2019. KPTV 12 Fox YouTube.


Bethel UCC volunteers collected, packed, and delivered over 2 tons of foot for 115 homeless Beaverton High students over 2018 winter break.

Beaverton High School had 120 students identified as homeless in March 2021

Homeless students receive two free meals a day at school when school is in session, but no food assistance during break times. As a BHS Community Partner, Bethel members have committed to providing food for three meals a day for these especially needy homeless students during winter and spring breaks each year. For our winter break drives, over 3,000 lbs of food is provided by Bethel members, Holy Trinity Church, Jesuit High School Alumni, and others!

Groceries for homeless Beaverton High students were provided by Bethel UCC volunteers and other community partners for 2019 spring break. Principal, counselors and student describe the impact on students and their families.

Beaverton Homeless Students
Need You!

By donating to support the Beaverton HS homeless student program, you can provide food, supplies, clothing, and a little birthday and graduation money for the homeless students of Beaverton High School. Most importantly, your donation will translate into a practical show of love and support for the young people in our community who desperately need it and greatly appreciate it. Won't you please give?


Contact us if you'd like more information about the homelessness problem at Beaverton High School, or if you would be interested in volunteering time to support these important programs. Thank you!