Lenten Bible Study Beginning Sunday, Feb 18th at 9 AM

For this season of Lent, we will be offering a bible study led by some of our new members and friends: Anderson Campbell, Victory Nichols, and Deb Stewart. This bible study will take place on Sunday mornings before service at 9 AM and will serve as a companion to our sermons each week, delving deeper into the scripture supporting our Wandering Heart series (scroll up for series info). This study will be held from February 18th to March 24th, and attendees are welcome to join for as many sessions as they are able. Please reach out to Erin Barber at eb@bethelbeaverton with any questions!   

Volunteer Appreciation Sunday - February 11th

Save the date for Sunday February 11th when we will honor and celebrate the many amazing people who devote their hearts to serving Bethel in so many ways. As a multi-faceted church we rely so much on the variety of talents and skills that these volunteers bring to bless our church and community. We look forward to celebrating all of you!
Please email Erin at eb@bethelbeaverton.org with any questions!  

Israel/Palestine Learning and Discussion Session - Feb 18th

On Sunday, February 18th we will be offering a special class after service to learn more about the historical context of the Israel/Palestine conflict. We encourage anyone seeking understanding about the recent and ongoing tragedies to attend.

This session will be led by Marcia Gilliland. Marcia has been a member of the Central Pacific Conference Palestine Israel Network (PIN) for ten years. She has been to Palestine/Israel six times working with the Palestine YWCA teaching sewing in a refugee camp near Ramallah and a women's center in Dar Salaam. She has assisted Palestinian farmers in olive picking for two years. She continues to work for equal rights for all people in Israel and Palestine.

Please contact Erin Barber (eb@bethelbeaverton.org) or Jean Doane (jeaniepearl.jd@gmail.com) with any questions about this event. More details will follow soon!

Youngish Adults Lasagna and Trivia Night - Jan 19th

Dust off your brains and your spatulas, because the Youngish Adult's Group will be having their first event of 2024: A Lasagna and Trivia Night on Friday, January 19th in the Fellowship Hall from 6:30-8:00 pm. You can expect to enjoy some delicious food and a fun "pub-style" trivia quiz you can do with a team of as many as six people.

Please sign up to bring a dessert, salad, or beverages, OR plan on coming a little early or stay a little late to help with set up/clean up! Currently, we do not have childcare planned for this event, however kids are welcome to participate in the quiz!

Please RSVP with Erin Barber by Tuesday, January 16th eb@bethelbeaverton.org And let us know if you have any questions!

Upcoming Epiphany Series starting Sunday, January 7th

In the liturgical life of the church, the season of Epiphany falls between Christmas and Lent. Epiphany means, “a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of, something that is very important to you.” We have many different kinds of epiphany moments. For example, if you are working on a crossword puzzle and you all of a sudden realize what word “fits” – that’s an epiphany moment.

In the life of the church, Epiphany focuses on the various ways the reality of God’s Incarnation at Christmas keeps showing up in our lives. The foundation of the season of Epiphany is rooted in the stories from the Bible that reveal Jesus' identity as Christ. 

The first “manifestation” happened when the three kings from foreign lands followed a star that led them to discover Jesus lying in the manager. They symbolized the wider world saying, “Ah-ha! Here is where God became human and lives among us.”

Starting January 7th, Pastor David will be offering a worship series called, “A Deeper Life.” The focus will be on the overwhelming message of Christmas – that God loves us enough to become human, and calls us to be loving of others. David will be drawing from an on-line resource called “Working Preacher”.

The series will consider loving God with our minds, our spirits, our bodies. And loving our “comfortable” neighbors and our “uncomfortable neighbors”.

Join us for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - Dec 24, 10 PM

 The fourth Sunday of Advent is December 24. Since it is also Christmas eve we will have two services: the usual Sunday worship at 10am and a Candlelight service at 10PM. 

The Christmas Eve candlelight service at 10pm will celebrate the “aliveness” of God and the leadership of God: “Living One, How Will You Lead Us?” A number of lessons and carols will be shared at this service as well as special music from our chancel choir. We hope you will join us for this special evening!

Blue Christmas Service, Dec. 3rd, 2:00 pm

Each year during Advent, Bethel offers a quieter, more meditative worship service. The holidays can be a difficult time for those who are coping with illness, grief, loss, other difficulties and challenges of life. 

This time of year, the culture around us seems to demand hearty good cheer at all times. When we are grieving, in pain, trying to make ends meet, and dealing with the continued uncertainty of the pandemic and how to have a safe holiday celebration, we may feel out of step and off balance.

The Blue Christmas Worship Service gives us an opportunity to give voice to our pain and frustration, and the opportunity to allow the Holy Spirit to minister to us through candlelight, music, and, if desired, the ancient practice of anointing with oil. The Blue Christmas Worship Service will take place Sunday, December 3th at 2 pm as a hybrid service.   

The ESL Giving Tree is Back!

For the first time since the start of the pandemic, Bethel will be hosting a Christmas party for our ESL students. This year’s party will be Thursday evening, December 14.
As is our tradition, we’ll be providing a gift or gift card for each child who attends.
The ESL Giving Tree is going up after Thanksgiving, but gift tags will be available starting this Sunday, November 19. Shop for a gift for a younger child, or buy a gift card for a teenager. We’ll wrap gifts after the December 10 service.
For more information, or if you’d like to help out with setup or during the party, contact Jim or JoeLynn Keniston, 503-415-1961. And if you’ve been attending via Zoom or Facebook, consider contacting Jim or JoeLynn to view the available tags online. 

Beaverton High School, Homeless Teens Food Drive

BHS Soup Current Count: 748           Goal: 1008 cans of soup
NOTE: Please be aware that light or diet soups and chili will be given to the food cupboard. Teenagers need more calories than adults and we have chili from the Oregon Food Bank. We appreciate your donations wherever they are used.

The food for BHS teens experiencing houselessness will be packed and delivered on Tuesday Dec. 12. Start time is TBD. On Monday Dec. 11, the tables of food will be set up in the Fellowship Hall at 1:30 PM. We can use all the hands and backs we can get on both days.
What do we still need? Cash and soup. Food costs have gone up so donations of $$ are welcome.
You can donate online using the drop down Fund menu to designate the BHS homeless youth. Or donate a check or cash. For soup, we want protein soups with veggies with pop top lids.
Thank you Bethel for always coming through to support these teens!  

Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser - Sunday, November 12th

Fire up the griddles because we're planning our annual Pumpkin Pancake Fundraiser! In the Fellowship Hall after service, our kids and youth will get to help make and serve pancakes to the congregation to help raise money to go to Camp Adams next summer. Our kids will begin preparations during service and then serve during Fellowship Time. Families note: a few kids/youth will still be able to sell wreaths during this time and are welcome to rotate if they want to take part in both fundraising events.

Bethel Women’s Retreat, November 4th, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Join us for our next Women's Retreat at Bethel. All who identify as women are welcome. Our theme is Fruits of the Spirit. Come to learn, visit and renew or make new friendships.

Lunch will be provided.

Email Paige Unangst at paige@unangst.net or Erin Barber at eb@bethelbeaverton.org  if you plan to attend by Friday October 27th.

Bethel's All Committee Fair is Sunday, Oct. 15th!

Have you ever wondered what goes into a Sunday morning here at Bethel? Or how we come up with all the different events we do? Or how YOU can be a part of it? Come to our All Committee Fair following service on October 15th in the Fellowship Hall to learn more!

We have many committees to thank for the amazing things Bethel does from Growth to Faith Development to Communications and Facilities (just to name a few). All this work is run by people who understand "church" is a verb. The way we use our talents and time takes Bethel beyond being a special place of worship to a place of true community. 

We invite you to come and learn more at this fair and see if there is a place for you and your unique gifts. You'll receive a punch card and get a stamp at each committee you visit, and if you visit all of them you'll earn a special prize!

Reach out to Erin Barber at eb@bethelbeaverton.org to learn more!

Habitat for Humanity Portland Region Update

Leon Taylor and Paul Griffo serve as Bethel’s representatives on the Habitat for Humanity Portland Metro Faith Committee.  See below for the latest efforts to deliver affordable housing in the Portland area.

Seven Regional Build Projects in Motion: 
•    King City (SW) (In Development) 3 buildings/16 homes
•    Glison (NE) (In Development) 10 buildings/20 homes
•    Kenton (N) (In Process) 2 buildings/30 homes 
•    Cherry Blossom (SE) (In Process) 8 buildings/31 homes)
•    Century Commons (SW) (Foundation Work Started) 8 buildings/18 homes/Energy Trust partnership
•    Foster Commons (SE) (In Process) (15 buildings/40 homes/ Note: includes 2 Electronic Vehicle Charging stations as part of $250K grant from PGE which also includes 2 electric forklifts, and an electric vehicle for use for Home Repair program) 
•    Alder Commons (Hillsboro) (SE) (In Process) 2 buildings/8 homes)

The Foster build site in SE Portland is the volunteer friendly site for this fall. Individual spots are available on Saturdays and small groups for weekdays. Projects coming online soon are Century Commons in Hillsboro (volunteers starting Dec/Jan), King City (volunteers to start March 2024), and Lake Oswego (volunteers to start end of summer 2024). If you would like a comprehensive update please reach out to Leon or Paul.
Experience Habitat: Bridging Faith & Community
Paul and Leon participated in a review of an upcoming special gathering hosted by St. Pius X and Habitat for Humanity to be held on October 1st. The purpose of the gathering is to deepen the congregation and local community’s understanding of Habitat’s vital mission.   A recap will be provided at the November Habitat Faith Committee call.  Paul and Leon hope to offer a similar experience at Bethel in the first half of 2024.  

Beaverton HS Homeless Teen Food Drive 

We are beginning to amass the food we’ll need to feed 144 Beaverton High School homeless students(our best estimate) for 17 days during winter break. We’ll have a shelving unit placed outside the chapel for your hearty soup donations. Hearty soups made by Progresso or Campbells have a pop top and a vegetable and protein. Please don’t worry about a certain number of grams of protein. A vegetable and a protein are the criteria (tomato soup doesn’t meet the criteria). A hearty soup could be a meal in itself. Thanks! 
BHS Soup Current Count: 47

Join us at Plumper Pumpkin Patch - Sunday October 8th

 It's Fall and time for our trip to the pumpkin patch. We would like to carpool to Plumper Pumpkin Patch and Tree Farm after service on Sunday October 8th! Plan on bringing lunch from home or purchasing food from the farm. There will be plenty to do from wagon rides, to playgrounds and mazes, to pig-racing, and more! Click HERE to see the farm's fall activities.

Tickets are $14.50 in advance and $16 at the door. Our Faith Development Committee will cover the cost of kids tickets, but parents will need to purchase separately. There will be a basket during fellowship time for donations for those who wish to help send families to the pumpkin patch.

Please let Erin Barber know if you plan to attend by Thursday, Sept 28th, and reach out if you have any questions: eb@bethelbeaverton.org

Are You Saving Treasures for the Rummage Sale?

Bethel's Rummage Sale is the first Friday and Saturday in October.  Have you started boxing household items that you no longer need?  We will continue to have a supply of boxes in the Narthex for you to take home and fill up.  They are uniform in size, not huge, and will stack neatly until we start accepting donations on Monday, October 2nd.

We sell lots of: (This is not all that we sell, so check out the pictures near the boxes in the Narthex.)

  • Current, clean clothing-especially kids' clothing and jeans;

  • Kitchen items...serving pieces, dinnerware, silverware;

  • Table linens, bed linens, towels, throw rugs;

  • Tools;

  • Toys;

  • Sports equipment;

  • Furniture;

  • Garden items;

  • Books;

  • Jewelry; 

  • Holiday décor;

  • Art supplies;

  • Purses/bags;

  • Working small appliances and electronics; and 

  • Home décor/frames/art.

No mattresses, big boxy TVs, tires, opened toiletries, car seats, or clothing that is ripped or stained.  Future Highlights' articles will have a complete list.


Monthly Youth Group - Starting Sunday, October 1st

 We are gearing up for the new school year and with that, we'd like to revamp our Youth Group! We know that schedules get even more crazy as kids get older so we want to start by offering one Sunday a month to get together after service--enjoy some lunch, some fellowship, games, and a little study/discussion time.

This group is available to both middle and high school ages (6th grade through 12th grade), with a chance to break out into smaller groups as numbers allow. 

We are meeting on the first Sunday of the month beginning on October 1st.

If this seems like something you or your teen would be interested in, please let us know! We'll be sending out more details for our October meeting as we get closer.

Please reach out to Erin with any questions! eb@bethelbeaverton.org.

We're restarting Bethel Bookies - Tuesday, September 26th

Are you a reader? On Tuesday, September 26th at 10 AM we are relaunching Bethel Bookies, our official church book club. This initial meeting will help us get started, and then we hope to meet once a month to discuss each book. We will meet in person in the conference room and also via zoom for others to join in remotely. If you're interested, please email Nancy Hillbrick at hilbricknancy@gmail.com and we will add you to the Bookies email list.

Sunday School Homecoming and All Church Potluck - Sunday, September 10th

On Sunday, September 10th we are relaunching Sunday School and we will be celebrating the new year with an all church potluck after service in the fellowship hall! The Faith Development Committee will be providing a hot entree item, but we would love to share a variety of dishes together--from hearty sides, salads and chips, to plant-based dishes, desserts, and more! If you have a potluck item to bring in mind, feel free to give Erin Barber a head's up at eb@bethelbeaverton.org. We are looking forward to this time to celebrate together!

Free Mental Health, First Aid, and Suicide Prevention Classes

Follow the link, and you will find registration information for classes scheduled for August 2023 and beyond, and a summary of each opportunity.  If you are interested in any of these online classes, we encourage you to participate as these opportunities further empower our collective work. Please register soon, as classes fill quickly! 


Lisa Mentesana, Co-Founder