Due to the popularity of the Youth Group Painting Party last April, we are providing an All Church Painting Party on Saturday, July 20th at 3 - 5 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
We will be using already painted canvases to add creative updates through painting, markers, and collages. Some blank canvases will be available. Feel free to bring personal projects to work on beside us too. All ages welcome!
Email Erin Barber at eb@bethelbeaverton.org to RSVP by Wednesday July 17th
Pride Beaverton - Next Sunday, June 30th Road Closures
We're looking forward to celebrating Pride in our community next week! The celebration will take place in the Farmer's Market Parking Lot between SW 3rd St and SW 5th St off of SW Washington and SW Hall Blvd.
The Pride Parade will begin at 11 am which means the parade route will require road closures at 10 am.
For those attending church in person, you will want to give yourself extra time to find parking Sunday morning, as SW Washington will be blocked for the parade line-up all the way to 9th St.
Our worship service will wrap up a little early so that we can head outside to show some love and cheer on the parade as it passes by.
For more event information, follow this link: https://www.pridebeaverton.org/
Vacation Bible School Sundays Begins June 23rd
We're excited to have Vacation Bible School (VBS) all summer long again! Our Summer schedule will not follow a strict pattern as we navigate vacations and weeks at Camp Adams so mark your calendar to know what Sundays to expect VBS.
This year our theme is Renew where we will learn how and why to care for God's creation through The Parable of the Sower. We will offer a multigenerational session for our kids to learn from one another and grow together.
We are looking forward to celebrating Pride in our community next month. Here's what we're asking for to make this event a success:
- Packages of Bottled Water
- Volunteers to help with set up (8 - 9:45 am) or clean up (5 - 6 pm) or help greet people at our booth for an hour (11 am - 5 pm).
Email Erin if you can be a volunteer and drop off water bottles with her in the office. Thank you!
All Church Summer Potluck and Lawn Games - Saturday, June 22nd
We're excited for summer, so we are hosting a fun potluck outside on our courtyard and lawn, complete with games and activities on Saturday, June 22nd from 11:30 am - 2:00 pm.
We know a lot of our Bethel members are pretty enthusiastic about a good potluck, so to help us get organized by signing up and letting us know what you can bring. You can sign up online through this link HERE or sign up on a clipboard in the narthex on Sundays!
We're asking folks to bring food and/or a fun lawn game to enjoy outside like croquet, cornhole, or lawn darts!
AND as if that wasn't enough, there will be a station to do some tie-dye for fun and to make some colorful items to wear at Beaverton Pride later in the month!
Questions? Reach out to Erin Barber at eb@bethelbeaverton.org. We hope you will join us for this fun event!
Respond to Racism Movie Viewing and Discussion - June 1st at 10 AM at Bethel
Respond to Racism Movie Viewing and Discussion -
June 1st at 10 AM at Bethel
We have rescheduled our movie viewing! We will watch it in our sanctuary together at 10:00 am on Saturday, June 1st and then gather in the Fellowship Hall to discuss the film.
Rob Reiner's documentary God & Country, "looks at the implications of Christian Nationalism and how it distorts not only the constitutional republic, but Christianity itself." Click here for a preview of this film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MFQ2uESrjU
Please RSVP with Tim Moe at Timdawn4@gmail.com or Erin Barber at eb@bethelbeaverton.org.
Habitat for Humanity
In April, on Wednesday, April 24th, the Portland Region will hold their annual one-hour program and free lunch. Bethel will host two/three tables and the keynote speaker will be award winning Majora Carter, an urban revitalization strategist, author, and Peabody Award-winning broadcaster. Look for more information in future announcements in April.
Contact Paul Griffo (paul.griffo@msn.com) and/or Leon Taylor (mr.leon.taylor.new@gmail.com) for more information. Paul and Leon serve as the Bethel Congregational representatives on the Habitat for Humanity Portland Region Faith Committee on behalf of the Outreach Committee.
All Church Talent Show - Saturday April 20th
Bethel is planning a talent to showcase all the amazing talents and passions here at our church on Saturday, April 20th! And when we say All Talent, we mean it!
Our show will begin at 2 pm with our performers showing off their skills, from singing to playing a variety of instruments, to stand up and arts entertainment.
After this we will showcase the visual arts and crafts of more talented folks at Bethel, from quilting to baking, to knitting to painting, and much more!
This will be a wonderful, multi-talented event and we hope you can join us! Please email our program coordinator, Erin Barber at eb@bethelbeaverton.org with any questions.
Habitat for Humanity - Save the Date! April 7th
On Sunday, April 7th following church service our partners at the Habitat for Humanity Portland Region will present an update to the congregation about progress towards affordable home ownership program and Habitat for Humanity local regional efforts.
At the presentation you will learn about:
· Current building underway across the Portland Metro, including an update on the 18-home construction in the Reedville neighborhood in Hillsboro.
· The Habitat for Humanity ReStore where donated items help fund local construction of Habitat homes and keep useable items out of local landfills
· The Home Repair program that allows long-time homeowners to stay in their homes and local communities
· And their newest community offering, the Playhouse Experience, where teams of volunteers can fundraise and participate in the assembly and decoration of children’s playhouses, which are then donated to families through the Dougy Center for Grieving Families.
Later in April, on Wednesday, April 24th, the Portland Region will hold their annual one-hour program and free lunch. Bethel will host two/three tables and the keynote speaker will be award winning Majora Carter, and urban revitalization strategist, author, and Peabody Award-winning broadcaster. Look for more information in future announcements in April.
Contact Paul Griffo (paul.griffo@msn.com) and/or Leon Taylor (mr.leon.taylor.new@gmail.com) for more information. Paul and Leon serve as the Bethel Congregational representatives on the Habitat for Humanity Portland Region Faith Committee on behalf of the Outreach Committee.
Holy Week
Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ begins the celebration of Holy Week with a very special Palm Sunday service culminating in a beautiful celebration of Easter and the risen Christ followed by a fun Easter egg hunt for all ages. You and your family are invited to join us for any and all of the Holy Week activities.
Palm/Passion Sunday | March 24 at 10 am
Multigenerational Worship
Holy Week begins with worship on Palm Sunday. The children and choir members will gather at the Front entrance of the church and in the Narthex for a congregational procession into the sanctuary with palms waving! Congregants can decide if they would like to join the processional or be seated in the sanctuary at the start of service.
Pastor David will offer a special service entitled, “Songs of Loudest Praise.” Worship will conclude with the building of the cross (made from the trunks of our Christmas trees).
Maundy Thursday | March 28th at 7 pm
The Maundy Thursday worship service draws its purpose and themes from historical events that our Christian tradition believed happened on the Thursday before Easter. This year our celebration of Maundy Thursday will walk us through Peter's perspective in the crucifixion narrative. Stage by stage, we experience the story through the eyes of one of Jesus' closest followers and friends as he goes to his death. This service will be a multisensory worship taking us through confession, lament, and repentance. We leave the sanctuary in silence.
Good Friday | March 29, 12 - 3 pm
Quiet Prayer A time of quiet reflection in the chapel. This is a self-directed time of prayer and renewal.
Easter Sunday | March 31 at 10 am
Multigenerational Worship
We discover the true blessing of Hope this Easter! This all-generational worship will celebrate Christ’s resurrection with special music, prayers and liturgy. Our sanctuary will be flooded with color from flowers given in honor or memory of loved ones. An invitation to sing Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus will conclude worship.
Easter Egg Hunt | March 31 at 11:15 am
Join us after our Easter Morning Celebration for an Easter Egg Hunt for children of ALL age
BHS Food Delivery - City of Beaverton Honors Bethel
At the Beaverton State of the City Program held at the Reser on Monday, March 4, 2024, Bethel was one of a number of organizations and individuals that received a “Best of Beaverton” award for our annual project of providing food for the homeless students at Beaverton High School for winter and spring breaks. What an honor!
Baked Potato Bar Fundraiser - Sunday March 17th after service
For a St. Patrick's Day treat, we will be holding our annual Baked Potato Fundraiser. Kids and youth are encouraged to participate to help fund youth activities and outings.
Parents are asked to volunteer to bring ten prebaked, foil wrapped potatoes before service to help support this fundraiser.
At the end of Sunday School, we will escort kids to the Fellowship Hall to finish setting up. Youth are invited to come join us at the start of Prayers of the People if they are in the main service. Then kids and youth can help stock the Baked Potato Bar or help serve church members during fellowship time.
To sign up to bring potatoes, please email Erin at eb@bethelbeaverton.org
Israel/Palestine Learning and Discussion Session - March 10th
On Sunday, March 10th we will be offering a special class after service to learn more about the historical context of the Israel/Palestine conflict. We encourage anyone seeking understanding about the recent and ongoing tragedies to attend.
This session will be led by Marcia Gilliland. Marcia has been a member of the Central Pacific Conference Palestine Israel Network (PIN) for ten years. She has been to Palestine/Israel six times working with the Palestine YWCA teaching sewing in a refugee camp near Ramallah and a women's center in Dar Salaam. She has assisted Palestinian farmers in olive picking for two years. She continues to work for equal rights for all people in Israel and Palestine.
Please contact Erin Barber (eb@bethelbeaverton.org) or Jean Doane (jeaniepearl.jd@gmail.com) with any questions about this event. More details will follow soon!
Click here to read a special invitation from our own Jean Doane
And follow this link to learn more about the crisis in Gaza: https://www.uccpin.org/crisis-in-gaza
Lenten Bible Study Beginning Sunday, Feb 18th at 9 AM
For this season of Lent, we will be offering a bible study led by some of our new members and friends: Anderson Campbell, Victory Nichols, and Deb Stewart. This bible study will take place on Sunday mornings before service at 9 AM and will serve as a companion to our sermons each week, delving deeper into the scripture supporting our Wandering Heart series (scroll up for series info). This study will be held from February 18th to March 24th, and attendees are welcome to join for as many sessions as they are able. Please reach out to Erin Barber at eb@bethelbeaverton with any questions!
Volunteer Appreciation Sunday - February 11th
Save the date for Sunday February 11th when we will honor and celebrate the many amazing people who devote their hearts to serving Bethel in so many ways. As a multi-faceted church we rely so much on the variety of talents and skills that these volunteers bring to bless our church and community. We look forward to celebrating all of you!
Please email Erin at eb@bethelbeaverton.org with any questions!
Israel/Palestine Learning and Discussion Session - Feb 18th
On Sunday, February 18th we will be offering a special class after service to learn more about the historical context of the Israel/Palestine conflict. We encourage anyone seeking understanding about the recent and ongoing tragedies to attend.
This session will be led by Marcia Gilliland. Marcia has been a member of the Central Pacific Conference Palestine Israel Network (PIN) for ten years. She has been to Palestine/Israel six times working with the Palestine YWCA teaching sewing in a refugee camp near Ramallah and a women's center in Dar Salaam. She has assisted Palestinian farmers in olive picking for two years. She continues to work for equal rights for all people in Israel and Palestine.
Please contact Erin Barber (eb@bethelbeaverton.org) or Jean Doane (jeaniepearl.jd@gmail.com) with any questions about this event. More details will follow soon!
Youngish Adults Lasagna and Trivia Night - Jan 19th
Dust off your brains and your spatulas, because the Youngish Adult's Group will be having their first event of 2024: A Lasagna and Trivia Night on Friday, January 19th in the Fellowship Hall from 6:30-8:00 pm. You can expect to enjoy some delicious food and a fun "pub-style" trivia quiz you can do with a team of as many as six people.
Please sign up to bring a dessert, salad, or beverages, OR plan on coming a little early or stay a little late to help with set up/clean up! Currently, we do not have childcare planned for this event, however kids are welcome to participate in the quiz!
Please RSVP with Erin Barber by Tuesday, January 16th eb@bethelbeaverton.org And let us know if you have any questions!
Upcoming Epiphany Series starting Sunday, January 7th
In the liturgical life of the church, the season of Epiphany falls between Christmas and Lent. Epiphany means, “a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of, something that is very important to you.” We have many different kinds of epiphany moments. For example, if you are working on a crossword puzzle and you all of a sudden realize what word “fits” – that’s an epiphany moment.
In the life of the church, Epiphany focuses on the various ways the reality of God’s Incarnation at Christmas keeps showing up in our lives. The foundation of the season of Epiphany is rooted in the stories from the Bible that reveal Jesus' identity as Christ.
The first “manifestation” happened when the three kings from foreign lands followed a star that led them to discover Jesus lying in the manager. They symbolized the wider world saying, “Ah-ha! Here is where God became human and lives among us.”
Starting January 7th, Pastor David will be offering a worship series called, “A Deeper Life.” The focus will be on the overwhelming message of Christmas – that God loves us enough to become human, and calls us to be loving of others. David will be drawing from an on-line resource called “Working Preacher”.
The series will consider loving God with our minds, our spirits, our bodies. And loving our “comfortable” neighbors and our “uncomfortable neighbors”.
Join us for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - Dec 24, 10 PM
The fourth Sunday of Advent is December 24. Since it is also Christmas eve we will have two services: the usual Sunday worship at 10am and a Candlelight service at 10PM.
The Christmas Eve candlelight service at 10pm will celebrate the “aliveness” of God and the leadership of God: “Living One, How Will You Lead Us?” A number of lessons and carols will be shared at this service as well as special music from our chancel choir. We hope you will join us for this special evening!
Blue Christmas Service, Dec. 3rd, 2:00 pm
Each year during Advent, Bethel offers a quieter, more meditative worship service. The holidays can be a difficult time for those who are coping with illness, grief, loss, other difficulties and challenges of life.
This time of year, the culture around us seems to demand hearty good cheer at all times. When we are grieving, in pain, trying to make ends meet, and dealing with the continued uncertainty of the pandemic and how to have a safe holiday celebration, we may feel out of step and off balance.
The Blue Christmas Worship Service gives us an opportunity to give voice to our pain and frustration, and the opportunity to allow the Holy Spirit to minister to us through candlelight, music, and, if desired, the ancient practice of anointing with oil. The Blue Christmas Worship Service will take place Sunday, December 3th at 2 pm as a hybrid service.