Advent Begins November 29!


“Raise your voice… raise it; don’t be afraid!” - Isaiah 40:9

Join us this Advent season as we raise our voices and proclaim “I Believe Even When...“

I believe in the sun, even when it is not shining.
I believe in love, even when I don’t feel it.
I believe in God, even when God is silent.
I believe in the light that has come and is coming.

These words scrawled by an anonymous Jewish poet on a wall during the Holocaust make up the theme song of this year’s Advent sermon series by Marcia McFee and Worship Design Studio. This theme song calls us to examine our penchant for annihilating fear by annihilating each other.

The history of humanity is fraught with pain–especially the pain that comes accompanied by fear and leads to oppression and violence of one people against another. We have seen and experienced this in 2020. This is the world into which Jesus was born and through which his teachings would challenge and call for transformation. The power of narrative and music will call us to a different response–transformation and reconciliation through hope, love, joy, and peace. This Advent and Christmas join us as we fill the night with music and light and affirm and act on the reasons why we can still “believe, even when” we are discouraged.

Guest Minister Rev. John Boonstra - Nov. 15


Rev. John Boonstra lives in Hood River. He is a UCC minister and worked six years as Pastor of Bethel UCC White Salmon until 2012. Since then John has worked on climate justice and environmental sustainability ministries. He represents the CPC on the UCC National Council for Climate Justice. He currently is a member of the CPC Justice and Witness Team and is devoting energy to rebuilding our CPC Climate Action Network. His daily work includes facilitation of programs related to the Columbia Gorge Climate Action Network. John has served as Executive Minister for the Washington State Association of Churches and prior to that worked in Geneva, Switzerland coordinating an internship program in conjunction with the World Council of Churches.

Order Your Christmas Wreath from the Bethel Youth


We may be in the midst of a pandemic, but through November 13, you'll have the opportunity to order your Christmas Wreath from the Bethel Youth.

There are wreaths and swags for sale. All proceeds will go to fund Youth Trips which we believe will happen again.

All wreaths and swags are made with fresh, local noble fir boughs and decorated with pine cones, cedar, juniper, and a choice of a red, weatherproof bow or a fabric bow.

20” wreath……………………………….. $25
28” wreath……………………………….. $35
30” swag…………………………………… $25

Click here to order:
You can pay online, send a check to the church or pay when you pick up your wreath.

Wreaths will be available for pickup at the church on November 29 from noon to 3 pm. There's also an option for delivery by our Bethel Youth. Contact Pam Schlueter to arrange delivery at

Pandemic or no pandemic - Christmas is coming so take this opportunity to make your house even more beautiful AND support the Bethel Youth!

Stewardship, A Commitment to Love Abundantly:


Friends, each fall, we invite you to make a commitment of your time, talent and treasure to the mission of Bethel Congregational UCC. For three Sundays, November 8, 15 and 22, we will focus on the importance of generosity as a primary spiritual practice. We are utilizing the wider UCC's stewardship campaign "3 Great Loves" to inspire our church's stewardship season. We’ll invite you to prayerfully consider how you might make a meaningful contribution to the work of the church. Even though our in-person opportunities have been greatly compromised by the COVID pandemic, we have worked hard to create alternative ways of being church. The good news is that Bethel is demonstrating generosity by staying current with financial pledges and you showed great faith in the church by meeting the call for donations to replace our HVAC system! Thank you!

It is vital to maintain our patience and our resolve to serve on Christ’s behalf – providing a progressive community who values and believes in God’s radically inclusive love for all people and the natural world. Your financial pledge for 2021 will equip us to continue adapting to the pandemic and find creative ways to respond to God’s call to make the world a more humane and caring home.

You’ll be receiving a letter and a pledge card in the mail later this week. We hope to gather pledges “virtually” November 22nd, Dedication Sunday.

Thank you in advance for prayerfully considering the importance of Bethel to you and yours. We look forward to a financial pledge that reflects your love.

Rev. Dr. John Dorhauer, General Minister and President of the UCC, published this letter about the shared initiative "3 Great Loves" - click here to read his letter.

Plan to Vote!


BALLOTS are ARRIVING in your mailboxes this week. They are DUE at elections on Nov. 3 by 8 PM PST.

You already received your Voter Pamphlets. While waiting for your ballot, go through your pamphlets and mark your selections. When your ballot arrives, carefully transfer your selections onto your ballot, sign it and get ready to return it to elections. You can send it free of charge in the mail, you can place it in a ballot drop box or you can place it in your County’s drop box. If you’d like safe pick up and delivery of your ballot, please contact Nancy Winston and she’ll make sure one of our Bethel voting helpers gets your ballot into the County Elections drop box.

Washington County Election Office has moved.  The new address is 2925 NE Aloclek Dr, Suite 170, Hillsboro, OR 97124


Here are the locations of the other Washington County drop boxes.

If you are in a different county, please contact Nancy Winston at or (503) 544-3323, or Ken Ruse at if you need help with your drop box location. 

Neighbors in Need


Throughout the month of October, we will be collecting an offering for Neighbors in Need, which supports the UCC's ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. Two-thirds of the offering is used by the UCC's Justice and Witness Ministries to fund a wide array of local and national justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects. Working with members of the UCC Justice and Peace Action Network (a network of thousands of UCC justice and peace advocates),Justice and Witness continues its strong policy advocacy work on issues such as the federal budget, voting rights, immigration, health care, hate crimes, civil liberties, and environmental justice. Neighbors in Need also supports our American Indian neighbors in the UCC. One-third of the offering supports the UCC's Council for American Indian Ministries (CAIM). This year, special consideration will be given to projects focusing on serving our immigrant neighbors and communities. You can contribute to Neighbors in Need by visiting our online giving portal here:  

Installation of Rev. Tyler Connoley as Conference Minister


We are very happy to announce that at this year's CPC UCC Annual Gathering, Reverend Tyler Connoley was installed as this year's conference minister! Congratulations Rev. Connoley! If you would like to view this special event, please visit the video link below or click

Movie Discussion - If Beale Street Could Talk


Our next film discussion will take place October 1 from 7:00 - 8:30 PM, and we will be discussing the film If Beale Street Could Talk on Zoom. 

The film is currently available on DVD through the Beaverton library, as well as on Hulu, in addition to other online rental services. In our Zoom discussion, we will discuss the movie, share what feelings it brought up, what it made us think about, and what insights we may have gained. This will be a safe place for all of us, including staff, to continue to educate ourselves on the complex issues surrounding racial injustice.
Zoom link:
The password is 760759.

Outdoor Prayer Gathering on September 30

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On September 30 at 5:00 PM, we are offering the opportunity to gather for an outdoor prayer service at Bethel on the south lawn. There is so much that has weighed heavy on our collective hearts as of late, from COVID fatigue to the wildfires to continued unrest in our streets. We wanted to provide an opportunity to support one another while honoring social distancing and our church's phasing-forward plan. Masks will be required and we ask individuals and/or households to maintain six feet from one another. If you are feeling unwell and experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, we ask you to please stay home for this one.


In response to the Black Lives Matter protests, and the murder of George Floyd, Bethel offered a bi-monthly Zoom program that met Thursday evenings beginning June 25. The purpose was three-fold: to better understand what the protests were about; to educate ourselves about the history of racial injustice; and to provide support for those who were deeply troubled by the protests. This forum was shared in the Weekly Highlights and during Sunday morning spoken announcements and it was open to all members of Bethel. That group viewed a number of films (Just Mercy, The Hate You Give, 13th and Good Trouble). Two sessions focused on Congressman John Lewis’ dedication to voter rights. Mr. Lewis championed the truth that “the right to vote is the most powerful non-violent tool we have.”
Inspired by John Lewis’ tenacity to defend the right to vote, the Bethel group that met over the summer felt that it was important to provide essential information to our congregation that would help all of us vote. Make a plan to vote with the resources gathered below.
Oregonians should have their ballot in their mailbox the week of Oct. 14. Oregon will let you mail your ballot in for free. You may prefer to drop it at your county election office as mail service may be delayed. Washington County Election Office has movedThe new address is 2925 NE Aloclek Dr, Suite 170, Hillsboro, OR 97124. There will be far fewer ballot drop boxes due to COVID -19. For example, Washington County public libraries are temporarily closed and will NOT offer drop boxes. Click link for more information:
Ballot Delivery help needed?  Call, text or email Nancy Winston if you want a Bethel Voting Team member to pick up your ballot. It will be done safely, then dropped at the county election office., (503) 544-3323.
Ballots are due NOVEMBER 3, 8PM PST. Voting SOONER is better! Ensure your voice is heard.
Have you moved?  Not registered?
ASK your friends and relatives to vote. North Carolina residents already have their ballots.
Other questions? Send them in. Ken Ruse has volunteered to find someone to answer them from our Bethel Voting Team. 

Phasing Forward Update

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Worship as is for another 90 days! Join us via Facebook live or Zoom.

The Phasing forward team has outlined a four part plan for moving forward with the ultimate goal of returning to worship in the sanctuary. We had set moving into phase two with having up to 50 participants in the sanctuary when the governor announced Washington County was in Oregon’s Phase Two. We are still in Phase One of the State’s plan even though the governor changed restrictions and added churches with up to 50 persons in attendance. 

The board wrestled with and thoroughly discussed the pro’s and con’s of opening with up to 50 participants, but ultimately decided to go with the Phasing Forward team recommendation that we continue as is for another 90 days. Many of the newest hot spots of COVID-19 breakouts have been from church gatherings, weddings, and birthday parties. Your board chose caution for the safety, health, and well-being of staff and congregation even though we all would love to gather. 

Upcoming Sermon Series: Braving the Wilderness


“You are only free when you realize you belong no place – you belong every place – no place at all. The price is high. The reward is great.” – Maya Angelou

This fall, starting on September 13, we will begin a sermon series called “Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging.” It is based on the book by Brené Brown. We will explore what it means to truly belong versus “fitting in,” what it means to risk speaking and acting with personal authenticity and integrity, and how Jesus demonstrated true belonging because he was grounded in his relationship and dedication to God. 

With the upcoming election, the pandemic and the unrest of racial injustice, this sermon series will give you spiritual practices to help and support you in your quest for true belonging while standing in your truth. Along with Sunday mornings, Pastor David will offer a book study via Zoom every Tuesday evening, September 19 – October 27 from 7-8:30 pm. Please purchase a copy of the book “Braving the Wilderness” to participate in the book study and to accompany the sermon series. If you want to participate and cannot afford a book, please contact Beth Astarte at and a book will be provided for you.

Help Teach ESL via Zoom!


Due to COVID-19 concerns, several local ESL (English as a Second Language) programs have shut down, and the Beaverton Literacy Council (the parent organization for Bethel’s ESL program) has inherited many of their teachers and students.  This fall, BLC volunteers will be teaching online via Zoom.  Because we have more students, and online classes need to be smaller (typically 8 students or fewer), there’s a great need for new volunteer teachers and teaching assistants.  Excellent training is available during the next two weeks to help you learn how to teach ESL on Zoom using our Intercambio curriculum.  If you’re interested, please contact Jim Keniston (503-415-1961) or visit

"Stump the Pastor" - August 30


Your questions wanted! Do you have a theological question, or a question about the life of faith or the way the church works that you’ve always wanted to ask but were afraid to ask it? August 30 is your chance! Pastor David will offer impromptu answers to your questions. For the rest of the month, you can email your "Stump the Pastor" questions to us. Write out your question and email to the church office at:

Bethel Movie Discussion on Race: John Lewis: Good Trouble


On Thursday, August 6 from 7:00 - 8:30 PM, we will be discussing the documentary film John Lewis: Good Trouble on Zoom. The film can be rented through online movie rental services such as RedBox, Amazon, YouTube, Apple, and Microsoft, etc. Please watch John Lewis: Good Trouble before August 6. In our Zoom discussion, we will discuss the movie, share what feelings it brought up, what it made us think about, and what insights we may have gained. This will be a safe place for all of us, including staff, to continue to educate ourselves on the complex issues surrounding white privilege and racial injustice. Zoom link: The password is 760759. 

Thank you!  

Grace and peace,

HVAC Project and Fundraising Match Challenge!

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Bethel is in need of a new HVAC system. Yeah, but how much does it cost and how will we pay for it? The cost of heating and cooling for the Sanctuary Building is $133,000. The cost for heating the Education Building with electric heat is $33,000. To complete both buildings it will be $166,000.

The good news is that we have already received $86,945 in donations. All of Bethel’s Board members have committed to making a personal financial contribution as a sign of support for this effort. We appeal to you, the members and friends of Bethel, to help us raise the $79,055 to complete this essential upgrade to our campus.
As of this week, we are thrilled to announce a fundraising match for our HVAC system! The next $33,000 raised will be matched, dollar for dollar, by a generous team of donors from the congregation. Gifts must be made by August 31 to be matched. Please consider making a contribution this summer so your gift will be doubled!

We Are Opening the Sanctuary for Quiet Prayer on Sunday Afternoons


During the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have missed being on the Bethel campus and in the sanctuary in particular.  As you know, the Bethel Board decided to keep our building closed for Sunday morning worship during the summer months. However, we will be making the sanctuary available for quiet prayer and meditation once a week on Sundays from 12:30-1:30 pm. 

To honor the COVID-19 safety protocols we will require you to:

  • Sign up in advance by clicking on this link: You can reserve your place for future Sundays and come back to the form as often as you want. The number of people is limited to 12 each Sunday. You will receive a confirmation email the Thursday before to let you know that you have a spot for the following Sunday. Please sign up by end of day on Wednesday for the following Sunday.

  • Wear a mask.

  • Use hand sanitizer when you arrive in the Narthex.

  • Follow instructions from the host (Pastor David, Beth or Paige) about where to sit.

  • Maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet.

  • Refrain from visiting with others before and after inside the building.

  • Refrain from hugs, handshakes and singing.

If you would like to come to the Sanctuary on an upcoming Sunday, please sign up today by clicking this link:

May this opportunity to be in the sanctuary bless you and feed your soul.

Movie Discussion - The Hate U Give


Although Bethel has discussed the concepts of white privilege and racial inequality in the past, it is more important than ever that we provide a place for conversation and dialogue. This will require us to draw on all of our compassionate listening skills as we listen to other's opinions that we might not agree with and humility as we say things that may not be politically correct.

So, with all that in mind, Bethel is going to jump in with both feet and provide a place for you to come and dialogue with each other. We have decided to center our discussions around the viewing of a film. On July 23 from 7:00 - 8:30 PM, we will be discussing the film The Hate U Give on Zoom. The film can be rented through online movie rental services such as RedBox, Amazon, YouTube, Apple, and Microsoft, and is currently included in the Hulu and HBO subscriber catalogPlease watch The Hate U Give before July 23. In our Zoom discussion, we will discuss the movie, share what feelings it brought up, what it made us think about, and what insights we may have gained. This will be a safe place for all of us, including staff, to continue to educate ourselves on the complex issues surrounding white privilege and racial injustice.
Zoom link: The password is 760759.

Other movie discussion dates will be provided throughout the summer. In the meantime, Pastor David will be looking at materials for an in depth study of white privilege in the fall. 

Congregational Meeting - July 19

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We will be holding a congregational meeting on Sunday, July 19 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Zoom. Link: Note: this is the same link as Sunday worship, so if you are joining us for worship that morning, just stay logged into the same Zoom session and we'll reconvene for the congregational meeting after a quick pause following worship. In this meeting, we'll be discussing the upcoming HVAC replacement project and other congregational updates.

Racial Justice Resources


White privilege, white fragility, intersectionality, systemic racism and Black Lives Matter are just a few of the terms we're hearing more and more of. What do they all mean? Pastor David talked in his sermon about doing something. One thing we can do is to educate ourselves about the history of racism in our country and how it is continuing today. To that end, here's a link to a resource list of books, movies, podcasts and TedTalks -

This list will be continually updated so if you run across a good resource, please email Beth Astarte with the information. Together, we can learn and have conversations to gain understanding to be better allies and advocates for people of color and all those who are marginalized in our society.