Children and Youth Ministry

programs and Schedule

Currently our Sunday School and Nursery are about 2-3 Sundays each month for our elementary kids and preschool/infants. And our Youth Group is meeting after service on the first Sunday of each month. As we head into the holiday season, our schedule becomes more subjective, so please reach out to learn what we have planned.

New families can fill out a registration form HERE or in person on Sunday.

Here is the current calendar for our remaining Sunday School Sundays of the 2024/2025 school year:

  • March 9th, 16th, and 30th.

  • April 13th (Palm Sunday), 20th- Easter Sunday (kids are in service)

  • May 4th and 18th

June 1st is our annual Youth Sunday Celebration!

After a short break, we will kick off our Vacation Bible School Sundays, which take place throughout the summer! Dates coming soon!

We are continuously working on our Sunday School and Youth Group programs. If you have questions, feedback, or want to be informed of future updates, email our Program Coordinator Erin Barber.

2025 Events

There’s a lot to look forward to here at Bethel!

Sunday, March 9th, our preschool group will be seeing a play together at Beaverton Civic Theater. We will enjoy a picnic after service and head to the play together.

On Sunday, March 16th, our Sunday school will be holding our annual Baked Potato Fundraiser, which takes place after service in the fellowship hall. This event helps us raise money for Camp Adams!

Sunday, April 13th is Palm Sunday. Our kids and youth get to enter the sanctuary at the beginning of service, singing and waving palms, then we head back for a special Holy Week lesson.

Our next Youth Group gathering is Sunday, April 6th, where we will be looking into a potential Youth Outing.

Youth Sunday is June 1st! This unique service is led by the youth of Bethel, where we honor our graduating seniors, give bibles to our third graders, and celebrate the achievements of the year.

We’re planning more fun this season, from potlucks to game nights, so tune back in to learn more as our plans take shape!

Why have multigenerational services?

It’s simple—a church is much more than a building—it is a community of people of all ages, who are called together to encounter and respond to God’s love as revealed in Jesus the Christ. Worship enfolds us in God’s love, and what better way to create a sense of belonging than by worshiping together. At Bethel, creating multigenerational opportunities for worship and play is a strategic decision to strengthen our community and provide a welcoming place of acceptance for everyone, regardless of age. As our UCC motto says, “No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey—You Are Welcome Here!”

Contact us to find out more about our Children’s Ministry.