Oh, Those Ballot Measures…Do They Really Matter?


Hold Your Ballot Until October 23

4th Sunday Social Justice Forum
11:30 a.m., October 23, 2016
Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ

Before you complete your ballot for the November 8 election, join others at Bethel to review the 6 ballot measures that are included in this year’s ballot and discuss the ethical issues reflected in those measures.  We will use the League of Women Voters’ study guide and the Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon recommendations as the basis for our discussion.  

Can't come on the 23rd? Join the Adult Conversations Group as they explore the ballot measures in a more informal setting Sunday mornings at 9 am beginning October 2nd.  

October 2 -    Measure 94, Repeals the judicial retirement age, which is 75 years old; Measure 95, Allows public state universities to invest in equities; Measure 100, Prohibits the sale of products from and parts of endangered animals.

October 9 -     Measure 97, Increases corporate taxes on businesses with annual incomes that exceed $25 million.

October 16 -     Measure 96, Devotes 1.5 percent of state lottery net proceeds toward veterans’ services; Measure 98, Requires state funding for dropout-prevention and career and college readiness programs in Oregon high schools; Measure 99, Creates ‘Outdoor School Education Fund,’ continuously funded through the Lottery, to provide outdoor school programs statewide.