Bethel’s Annual Meeting This Sunday – lots of good news to share!

At the heart of the United Church of Christ identity is the autonomy of the local congregation.
The membership of Bethel has primary responsibility for the major decisions in the life of the
church. The annual meeting is where and when most of those decisions are made. The work of
the church from the previous year, and the plan for the upcoming year are outlined, discussed
and voted upon. Active members have both voice and vote. The meetings are open to anyone,
and “friends” can have voice without vote.

Here’s the plan for this Sunday:
Worship - 10:00-10:45am (Sanctuary)
Annual Meeting – 10:45-11:30 (Sanctuary)
Celebration Luncheon – 11:45am (Fellowship Hall)

The annual meeting plays a vital role the mission of our church. The paid staff and lay
leadership of the congregation need your support. Please make it a priority to attend the
annual meeting. There’s LOTS of good news to share!