Advent Angels - Blessing Bags

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The Bethel UCC Blessing Bag Angels (BBAs) invite you to participate in this special Advent gifting opportunity. Our goal is to assemble 200 Blessing Bags on December 9th for anyone who wants to take 2 or 3 bags to keep in their car and distribute to homeless persons in our community – and enlarge your world to population two! Something special you can do with your children or grandchildren to teach them about caring/giving for those in need. To reach our goal, we need to collect items or donations between now and December 2nd. A cash donation of $20 earmarked for this project will fund a Blessing Bag that contains basic toiletries, healthy snacks and warm clothing articles. Donations by check should be made out to Bethel UCC. We would also appreciate (in lieu of a donation) a contribution of any items on the attached shopping list. Many of these items are inexpensively available at a Dollar Tree, Walmart or K-Mart, and some come packaged in multiples which will help stretch your contribution across more than one Blessing Bag. Many thanks for your help from your Bethel UCC BBAs (Sarah Bradshay, Kate Jones, Beth Asmann, Sue Pike, Mo and Nikki Manley-Smith, Liz Patch, Kanedra Thomas, Kerry Elenitoba-Johnson, and Suzanne Dunn)! .