What R U Up 2? - A Lenten Spiritual Exploration

Lent, the 6-weeks that precede Easter, provides the opportunity to take an honest look at our lives to see what and how the message of God’s radical love can bring new life. The intent of the season is that when Easter morning arrives and we proclaim, “Christ is Risen!” we will be able to experience Resurrection too.

Our theme for Lent is “What R U Up 2?” We will look at what Jesus was up to in his life, ministry, death and resurrection. At the same time, we have the opportunity to look at what we've been up to in our lives. We all have a spiritual place inside that is worth exploring. This inner landscape of our life story is often uncharted territory.

During Lent, you will be given writing prompts that will help you chart this inner terrain and, hopefully, help you discover the spiritual experiences that have shaped your life thus far. In addition, our Wednesday contemplative meditation time will be extended to 30 minutes to allow time for a deeper meditation and journaling. On Sunday mornings during the Adult Conversation Class, you will have the chance to share passages from your writing or any “aha’s” you may have had while journaling. You can also share about your discoveries on the closed FB group as well.

The idea is to really dig deep and take this time to reflect on your life and on your relationship with God – so treat yourself to a brand new journal for this exploration. Plan to spend 10 minutes a day ruminating on the questions and writing. As you take this time to chart your inner landscape, you may discover some hidden treasures!

Along the way, you will get to see where your life is in alignment with your spiritual path, where your spiritual journey mirrors Jesus’ journey, what pursuits you’ve been up to that call forth your best self and much more.

Let’s begin . . . grab your journal and a pen . . . What R U Up 2?

(Adapted from Worship Design Studio and Rev. David Randall-Bodman’s Lenten Blog and Tennebrae Service)