Single Payer "Medicare for All" Obamacare Healthcare Reform

Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ will be hosting a FREE Social Justice Forum on February 25, 2018 at 11:30 AM. We will screen the new documentary movie "Fix It - Healthcare at the Tipping Point" followed by a Q&A discussion with Michael C. Huntington M.D. Childcare and lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to

Mike Huntington grew up in Southern California. He attended Oregon State University and the University of Oregon Medical School, now Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU). He was an Army flight surgeon in Vietnam in 1969. He received his residency training at OHSU, was a Radiation Oncologist for 35 years, and was Medical Director of the Radiation Oncology Department at Samaritan Regional Cancer Center in Corvallis from 1984 to 2006.

Since his retirement he has joined with physicians and other activists in Corvallis and Oregon to engage colleagues and the public in discussion about the urgent need for health care reform. The group has co-sponsored public forums and given talks to civic groups in Corvallis over the past eight years. In 2007 this group became the Oregon Chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program. He was President of Health Care for All Oregon in 2012 and since then has led the speakers’ bureau for HCAO.