It's a Wonder-Full Life Sermon Series Begins October 20th

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Join us this Sunday, October 20th as we launch our 2020 Stewardship Campaign and sermon series - It's a Wonder-Full Life! Click here to see the trailer!

Spiritual practice feeds that part of ourselves that is oriented toward serenity, harmony, truth, compassion, gratitude, love and joy. But these are not always words we use to describe the role of money in our lives. In the classic film, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” a crisis of money creates vastly diverse reactions from several characters that can hold up a mirror to our own relationships with money. In this four-week series, we will “look” squarely in the face of our money issues in compassionate ways that can offer more depth of meaning, healing, and wholeness and a whole new “outlook” on what constitutes a wonderful life.

To delve deeper into this topic, join the Conversations for the Curious Class on Sunday mornings or sign up for Pastor David's Class on Money and Meaning, Tuesdays at 11:30 am or 7 pm.