Blue Christmas

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Each year during Advent, Bethel offers a quieter, more meditative worship service. The holidays can be a difficult time for those who are are coping with illness, grief, loss, other difficulties and challenges of life. And certainly a worship series about joy can seem, at first glance, especially difficult to withstand. Joy might indeed be elusive. But the phrase from the Psalmist, “joy comes in the morning” could also be “joy comes in the mourning.” Joy is not about denying suffering, but rather it is the embracing of the depths of all of life’s emotions that is the very thing that allows us to feel the heights as well. Joy is possible when we understand suffering, It is the school of compassion and love. This Blue Christmas service, by Worship Design Studio, is an integral part of our Advent sermon series and will allow for sacred grief and for a sparking of the flames of hope and gratitude.

Make plans to join us on Sunday, December 1 at 2 pm in Bethel's sanctuary. Pastor David and Called to Care members will be available after the service for any who wishes to stay to speak privately with someone. For further information, please contact Pastor David.