Support Beaverton HS Homeless Students

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Update: We still need 100 cans of soup.

This year, we will continue our support for Beaverton High School homeless students for the winter break. We will provide food for the approximately 3 weeks they will be on break from school. We estimate there will be 130 Students to feed. Want to help? Here’s how:

  • Donate high protein soups or money earmarked for BHS Homeless Teens

  • Show up by 8:55 AM on Dec. 16 to pack food and/or drive food to the high school

  • Be available on Dec. 20 to deliver food to students who have been unable to pick it up at school

  • Show up on Wednesday mornings to meet the food delivery from Oregon Food Bank to organize the food into the storage closet

  • Volunteer for an organization job such as directing the volunteers on Dec. 16, organizing the bags leaving the building on Dec. 16

  • Come to Bethel on Dec. 15 after Faith Café (approx. 6:45 PM) to organize food tables and count quantities

  • Pray for the students

  • Volunteer in any other way you think would be helpful

Please contact Nancy Winston at or 503 544-3323 with help, questions, anything else.