Taize Service and Labyrinth Workshop


On Sunday, July 28, as part of our Adventures in Worship, the sanctuary will be transformed for a contemplative Taize service. For this service, all children and youth are invited to go to the Education building before service begins. There will not be a Children's Time. During this service, there will not be any verbal announcements. Extra copies of the Highlights will be available in the Narthex for you to pick up. As part of worship, you'll have the opportunity to walk a triple spiral labyrinth either on paper or on the floor. Copies of the labyrinth, clipboards and pens will be provided.

Afterwards from noon - 3 pm, Rev. Kathleen Verigin will offer a labyrinth workshop entitled "A Triple Spiral Journey: A Celtic Path to Belonging." Rev. Kathleen is the founder of Anam Cara Connections (www.anamcaraconnections.com)and has led tours to Ireland and Scotland multiple times. She uses the triple spiral as a blueprint for one's spiritual journey that delivers the traveler to the Nest of Belonging - the sacred heart within. This workshop is being offered on a love offering basis. You can pick up flyers at the Connect Table. If you have any questions, please contact Beth. Additional details are also in the Facebook event posting: https://www.facebook.com/events/1318658948290570/