HomePlate - special video projecT

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HomePlate is working on a special video project to highlight their many programs, and will be filming at Fellowship Hour this Sunday, September 29! For more information about this project, read on:

Over the past few months, HomePlate Youth Services has been working with Devin Tau, a local documentarian, on a youth-focused video for HomePlate. He has joined them on outings, come to their main office for a "mock drop-in," and filmed at both Sit-n-Stay and It Takes A Village. All of the interviews have been with the youth, which is the biggest difference when compared to our other videos that feature the staff and/or volunteers. Last on the list of filming opportunities is HomePerk. Devin and his camera operator, along with the two new core HomePerk volunteers, will be present at filming at Bethel's Fellowship Hour on September 29. We imagine that they would like to take some wide shots of the line coming through for coffee, maybe the dining area, and will probably want to film Maddison or Christian interacting with people (for those who are comfortable and would like to help with the project and be featured). Please feel free to check in with Devin the filmmaker, who is very friendly. HomePlate ultimately hopes to use the video as promotional material to have on their website, use at presentations, etc. We're really excited to help provide some good footage of HomePerk in action and help our friends at HomePlate.