Renewal Ritual - December 29


Throughout Advent, we have been called to fill the night with music and light . . . believing in the light that came with the birth of Jesus. As we move to the beginning of a new calendar year, we want to carry the hope of Christmas with us remembering that Christ’s light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.

2020 has been a tough year for many of us. Feelings of fear, anxiety, loneliness, grief and pain became all too familiar companions. As we approach the end of 2020, you are invited to participate in a Renewal Ritual – an opportunity to let go of anything that you do not want to carry with you into 2021 and to envision the experience you want for 2021. We will gather via Zoom at 7 pm on December 29th. You will want to have paper, pen, your advent wreath or other candle and a glass or metal bowl for burning (or a paper shredder or scissors or your fingers.)

You can join via Zoom using this link: (Meeting ID: 825 7953 2974, Passcode: Advent!)

A ritual is a rite that connects us with Spirit. We use rituals to help us feel connected to God and to celebrate important moments in the life of the church – lighting the Advent wreath, lighting candles on Christmas Eve and singing Silent Night, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, All Saint’s Day are just a few examples. For centuries people have used rituals to help mark a shift or change. So we use this opportunity to continue to allow Christ’s light to shine through us remembering as Paul reminded the church in Corinth in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!”

For this Renewal Ritual, we will focus on feelings and events from 2020 that we are ready to let go of and allow the light of the birth of the Christ Child to transform us so we can turn the page and begin anew in 2021. You may be wondering how this is different from Ash Wednesday when we give up to God those things we want to let go of. There isn’t much difference. And, on February 17, we will have other things that will rise to the surface for us to give to God. However, the spiritual practice of letting go is not limited to a single time or place. God’s grace abounds and every day we are invited to allow Christ’s light to shine through us and renew our souls.