Entering the Passion of Jesus

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Mark your calendars for a very special Lent series - Entering the Passion of Jesus. Inspired by Amy-Jill Levine’s book by the same name, this Worship Design Studio series takes us deeply into the events of the last week of Jesus' life. The events of Christ’s Passion often don’t receive enough time in our worship and study. These stories are important to our faith journey and our identity as followers of Jesus. And yet, the time between Palm Sunday and Easter moves so quickly that we have little time to take in the dramatic story of that last week. During the weeks of Lent, we will “freeze-frame” moments in Holy Week so we might put ourselves in the picture, thereby “Entering the Passion of Jesus.” How might taking a closer look at the ancient story open us to deeper conviction for our role in its ongoing message? More details will follow in the weeks ahead.