Staying Connected during COVID-19

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Pastor David and Bethel staff have been monitoring the COVID-19 spread and following the guidelines of the CDC and the Oregon Health Authority. We are prioritizing the safety of our church community and we are implementing the following measures to try to keep everyone safe and healthy:

We will be broadcasting Sunday worship live on Facebook ( and Zoom ( on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM. We will be mailing Sunday School materials to our Bethel families with children enrolled in Sunday School.

Even if you've not been attending the Sunday or Tuesday class, everyone is welcome to join us on Tuesday at 11:30 am or 7 pm for the Entering the Passion of Jesus Class via Zoom. The Zoom link is:

During this time of social distancing, it is important to feel connected so please join us for a time of prayer at 6 pm on Wednesday via Zoom. The Zoom link is:

Pastor David will be hosting an open drop in session for checking in on Zoom each Friday from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM here:

Beth will be hosting an open drop in session for checking in on Zoom each Monday from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM here:

Our office will be closed, but you can continue to reach Courtney by email at, Beth at, and Pastor David at Staff remote office hours will still be Monday through Friday from 9 AM – 3 PM. While we are working remotely, we will still be checking our voicemails throughout the day but may not be able to respond to your calls as quickly.

Your pledges and donations keep things running at Bethel. You can send us your pledge, offering, or donation by:

  • Dropping a check off in the mail slot by the Watson Street doors by the choir robes. It will go into a locked box the staff can access.

  • Putting a check in the mail.

  • Giving online through e-Giving by clicking here:

  • If you pay your bills online through your financial institution, you can make Bethel UCC one of your online bill payees and have your financial institution send us a check.

If you're in need of help or feeling particularly anxious and alone, please reach out either to one of us directly or on the Bethel Misfits Closed Facebook Group. Together, we can all be creative in finding ways to stay connected and share God's love with one another.