Bethel Donations Help Local Neighbors in Need

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Thanks to the generosity of Bethel Church members, neighbors and friends, local non-profit “Family Promise” earned more than $7,700 in the past year from the returnable bottles and cans we donated.

In 2020, Bethel and two neighboring churches donated a record 73,000 containers, and earned a 20 percent premium (12c per container) from local recycling centers for the bottles, cans and plastics we redeemed during a two week “Holiday Premium” period between November 15-December 1. Due in part to our Covid-confinement during the past year, and the closure or recycling centers at most retail outlets, it has become more difficult to redeem beverage containers for their 10c deposit. Our donations to Bethel Church represented an increase of more than 27 percent during the past year, as most of us stayed home, drinking from 12 oz containers, instead of eating and drinking away from home.

A growing number of families in our community no longer have the luxury of having a home of their own, or a safe place to shelter. Family Promise of Beaverton works with homeless families in our community to get them back into permanent, sustainable housing and employment as quickly as possible. Through Family Promise, guests receive food, shelter, and comprehensive support services. Guests families also have the opportunity to develop enduring life skills through individualized case management by staff and through personal mentoring by volunteers. Lois O’Halloran, chairwoman of Family Promise Beaverton recently reported how her group has been working to help local families in need:

We have had three babies born in our program since COVID. Our most recent Mom lived in her car with her 3 year old daughter until she was 8 months pregnant in order to keep her baby in her tummy safe and her 3 year old safe. Once she heard about our program we were able to take her in and guide her to appropriate medical care. She had an emergency C-section. She and her newborn son have been hospitalized 7 times in the last month and each had an additional emergency surgery. They are both on a path to healing now. We are so grateful to all our donors that allowed us to be able to serve this mom. She is amazingly resilient and with the right tools will be one of our success stories. She is passionate about making a better life for her children. We are passionate about helping her.

Thank you Bethel! Our donations during the past year have not only made a tangible benefit to our community - they have also protected our own families and public health, cleaned out our garages, and benefited our environment. That’s certainly worth toasting! So drink up, and cheers!