Bethel Movie Discussions


We will be resuming the Bethel Movie Discussions on Race series starting on January 21. Please join us for these thoughtful discussions every other week on Thursdays at 7 PM. We have selected a variety of films and media that focus on issues of race, social injustice, and identity. After viewing the films on our own, we join together over Zoom to reflect, converse, and learn together in community. Zoom link: The password is: 760759.

January 21 - YouTube - Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man video series.
We ask everyone to watch 4 videos of their choice from the series and come with a couple of questions and we'll all share what we learned from the videos we watched.

February 4 - Loving - Based on an historical supreme court case, an interracial couple fights the law that they cannot be recognized as married in the state of Virginia. (Can be rented on Amazon for $3.99)

February 18 - The Hurricane with Denzel Washington

March 4 - Valerie Kaur TedTalk ( and her Revolutionary Love conversation with Rev. Traci Blackmon (