Hybrid Worship Updates


As a response to the Delta variant of COVID-19 and new state health mandates, we are making some adjustments to our hybrid worship practices. We will begin using a sign up system again, with some changes. We will be asking everyone to sign in before attending worship - not to reserve a seat, but to make sure Bethel has accurate attendance information if any contact tracing becomes necessary. You may sign up online prior to Sunday, or you may sign in on the sign in sheet in the Narthex.

Online sign up sheet: https://forms.gle/LedhojGYTa1X4b5VA

Things to know about hybrid worship and safety:

  • Everyone is required to wear a mask that covers both the nose and mouth at all times.

  • Please maintain social distancing between households while indoors and outdoors.

  • Refrain from hugging or touching those outside of your household.

  • All seating will be socially-distanced for now.

  • No congregational singing in the Sanctuary.

  • Pastor David will greet congregants OUTSIDE after worship. Please plan to do your personal socializing outside.

  • Our services will continue to be live-streamed to Zoom and Facebook. We will continue to offer breakout rooms on Zoom after worship.

  • If you have reason to suspect that someone in your household may have or have been exposed to COVID-19 or you are experiencing symptoms of illness, we ask you to please worship from home.

  • Our newly installed HVAC system includes air ionizing technology, which not only filters the air that circulates in the Sanctuary, but works to remove virus particles from the air!

    If you have any additional questions, please email the office at office@bethelbeaverton.org.