Stewardship 2022 - Rooted in Love

They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season.

This Sunday we will begin our Stewardship Worship Series - Rooted in Love. During this time we will look at the unique contributions Bethel UCC and the wider church make to our community, our country and the world. You'll have the opportunity to explore what "roots" you in our congregation as well as how the "roots" of Bethel make you stronger. You'll have the opportunity to hear testimonials from members of Bethel of how the roots of love that are a part of our community spread seeds of justice and joy. Our hope is that your "roots" will be nourished as you discern what is yours to give to Bethel in the coming year. Stewardship Sunday will be November 13th. We will also have a place available to leave pledges on November 20th as well. Stewardship packets will be mailed the week of October 30th.

Peace & Blessings