Neighbors in Need Offering

One of the ways the United Church of Christ celebrates and honors World Communion Sunday is with one of our all church offerings called Neighbors in Need. Neighbors in Need (NIN) is a special mission offering of the United Church of Christ that supports ministries of justice and compassion in the United States.
Historically, one-third of the offering supports Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM). Two-thirds are used by Justice and Witness Ministries to provide grants to UCC churches and organizations as well as supporting a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects.
For example, a UCC congregation in South Carolina is building a tiny house for an LBGTQI+ person who finds themselves without a safe place to live because their families deny them their humanity and kick them out.
We will be receiving the Neighbors In Need offerings All of October. If you would like to help, please mail a check to Bethel UCC with NIN in the memo line or visit our website: