Beaverton High School Homeless Teens Need Candy and Soup for Spring Break

Once again, we are supplying food for Beaverton High School students over the 2022 spring break. We hope to provide 4 cans of high protein soup (10 grams) as well as individually wrapped candy to each of the 120 designated students, who are homeless.  So far, we need about 164 more cans of soup (recent progress in donations have been great). As you purchase bags of wrapped candy for your special Valentines, please consider buying extra or donating your extra to BHS homeless students for their Spring break food bags.

Our target date for gathering all of this is Sunday, February 27.  Please place your donated soup and candy on the rack in the box by the Chapel.  Your donations may be brought to the church on Sundays or during the times listed below.  

Food Cupboard hours are the preferred times for delivery.
     Mondays, before 8:30 am or from 11:30 am to 12:30pm 

     Wednesdays, from 6:00 pm to 7:00pm                                           
     Thursdays, from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
If these times do not work for you, donations may be brought to the church office during scheduled office hours on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm or Fridays, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Finally, Fran Jensen ( or Mac Macpherson ( are able to pick up your donations.  You also have the option of giving a monetary donation to Bethel UCC for "Beaverton Homeless Youth," and the project members will shop for you.
Key Dates for Opportunities to Volunteer with the BHS Food Project
Saturday, March 12, at 10:00 am.            Volunteers pack grocery bags with food for the BHS kids
Monday, March 14, at 10:00 am.              Volunteers pack remaining bags
Tuesday, March 15, starting at 9:15 am   Volunteers deliver 720 full bags of groceries to Beaverton High School

We hope that the Saturday work session will be perfect for families with school-age kids and others who have Saturday off.  All are welcome!  On each of the days that we a packing bags, there will be 3 assembly lines.  Each of the assembly lines will need 2 or 3 volunteers.  Please contact or if you can volunteer.