Freeing Jesus

The liturgical season of Eastertide marks the 50 days between Easter and Pentecost. This year, Pastor David will be offering a worship series based on Diana Butler Bass’ book – Freeing Jesus: Rediscovering Jesus as Friend, Teacher, Savior, Lord, Way and Presence.
Ms. Butler Bass relies on experiences from her own life to share how her understanding of Jesus has changed over time. Story-telling is at the heart of this book. Diana Butler Bass’ models the way listening to our own stories can uncover new insights and experiences of Jesus. She invites us to look in the mirror to see how and when Jesus showed up or didn’t show up.
Freeing Jesus serves as an excellent sequel to Richard Rohr’s, The Universal Christ. The shift toward a more narrative approach to spiritual growth and faith formation will help root the alternative orthodoxy that God is in everyone and in everything.
The series will begin May 1st. There will not be a formal, structured study group for this series; but, you are encouraged to get a copy of the book and follow along with Rev. David’s sermon series.
May 1 – Liberating Jesus
May 8 – Jesus as Friend and Teacher
May 15 – Guest Preacher – Rev. Jennifer Brownell (series interrupted)
May 24 – Jesus as Savior and Lord
May 29 – Jesus as Way and Presence