Building a Healthy Male Spirituality – A Half-Day Retreat - Oct.19th

Saturday, 9:00-Noon in Fellowship Hall

  The national political arena has brought into sharp relief toxic versus healthy male spirituality. Many of us who identify as male know what it is like to struggle with age old norms about what it means to be a “real man”. “Real men” don’t cry. They don’t share feelings (unless it’s anger). They are strong and never admit weakness or vulnerability. They devote their time and energy into their work and career advancement at the expense of deep relationships. Winning and succeeding are the forces that drive them. Failure is not an option and to be avoided at all costs.

These cultural norms, of course, don’t align with our Christian values. Many of us who identify as male have found ways to listen to and be shaped by the messages from our culture and our Christian faith. In other words, we are pulled in two directions at the same time. We have a foot in both worlds.

The purpose of our retreat will be to discuss these two arenas and seek ways to develop a “male” spirituality that combines positive attributes of culturally defined maleness (strength, courage, tenacity, drive) with the positive attributes of our Christian faith (compassion, empathy, grace and humility).

Finally, in today’s world, with the acknowledgement of great gender fluidity, if this article resonates in your head and heart, you are welcome to attend. If you have questions, Pastor David will be happy to discuss them.

Please RSVP to We would like to provide coffee and bagels, and a head count would be a great help.