Our Called to Care Team has been organizing walks to get out and about and enjoy the beautiful weather and each other's company. Whether you're a long-time member or just starting to get to know us, you are invited to come along!
Every Monday, you can join us for The Bethel Walk. We meet at 9:00 am near the food cupboard entrance on 7th St and take a walk around Bethel's neighborhood, occasionally stopping for some local coffee and treats.
Then on Tuesday July 30th at 9:30 am April Campbell will lead a walk on a short section of the Fanno Creek Trail. Meet at the cul-de-sac on 105th (near the CHP Group building).
6600 SW 105th Ave
Beaverton, OR 97008
The trail is all paved except for a few composite bridge crossings and is mostly flat. There is a natural turn around point about a half mile in to make it a 1 mile walk but we can make it shorter at any time by simply turning around.
And there is usually plenty of street parking or parking in the nearby building lots.
We hope you'll join us for the fresh air and a nice walk!
Want more buddy walk updates? You can sign up in the narthex on Sunday before service or by emailing Erin at eb@bethelbeaverton.org