Join us after church on September 9 for the Third Annual Bethel Beaverton Bash. There will be carnival games, sno-cones, face painting, bouncy house and even a dunk tank where you can "Dunk the Pastor" and others. There will be a table with information about the various committees at Bethel along with fun, food and fellowship. This year, we are having a Hawaiian theme so dig out your favorite Hawaiian attire and join us! We are looking for volunteers for set-up and clean up. Please contact Beth Astarte if you're available. Check out the Facebook Event!
Congregational Resolution on Healthcare
The Social Justice Advocacy in Action Committee and the Mission and Outreach Committee have endorsed a resolution in support of Health Care for All Oregonians. The Health Ministries Team at First Congregational UCC Corvallis is proposing the resolution for consideration by individual UCC congregations and by the Central Pacific Conference when it meets in September. The Mission and Outreach Committee has asked the Board to adopt this resolution prior to the CPC annual meeting.
To this end, an informational meeting has been scheduled for Sunday, August 19, 2018 at 11:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. The guest speaker for our February healthcare forum, Dr. Mike Huntington, will return to Bethel to provide more information and answer our questions about the resolution. Congregational feedback will be collected at the meeting and via email prior to the August board meeting. Please download and read the resolution HERE and plan to attend the meeting on August 19. Thank you!
Faith Leaders Call for an Immediate End to Inhumane and Unjust Policy
Members of the Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ were among the 1200 who participated in yesterday’s action in Sheridan demanding that the Trump Administration end the practice of brutally dividing families seeking asylum. “As people of faith, we have a moral obligation to speak out against injustice. Our Christian tradition teaches us the importance of welcoming the stranger. The current policy of separating families is cruel and inhumane and must end,” said the Rev. Molly Carlson, Conference Minister for the Central Pacific Conference.
Mendicant Pilgrimage
Mental Health Sunday at Bethel
Sunday, June 10 will be Mental Health Sunday at Bethel. Jane Zilk and Jean Doane are planning the worship service with a focus on mental health awareness. Mental Health Sunday is a way for congregations to begin or to continue to provide education and support to members around mental health challenges. We hope to break down the wall of silence and stigma around mental illness by speaking openly about personal experiences with such challenges. Jane and Jean led Bethel’s first Mental Health Sunday in April, 2016.
After worship on June 10, Rosemary (Rosebud) Kirwin-Alvord of National Alliance for Mental Illness Washington County (NAMI) will speak in the Fellowship Hall. Rosemary’s adult daughter has struggled with schizophrenia for many years. Rosemary has journeyed from disbelief and helplessness at the diagnosis, through study, to compassion and advocacy for both those with mental illnesses (brain disorders) and their families. She is a volunteer teacher of the Family-to-Family classes at NAMI Washington County.
Fundraising Concert for Bethel UCC
The Beaverton Community Band will present its Spring 2018 Concert, “Dances and Fantasies,” at 3:00 PM on Sunday, June 10 at Bethel! Admission is FREE and donations will be accepted for the food ministries of the Bethel!
Our Theme, "Dances and Fantasies," will take the listener to the sands of Arabia in the 1920s, to the Bush
Country of Australia, to the Grand 19th Century palaces of Italy, to the Lothlorien Forest of Middle Earth, and to the lower east-side of New York City in the 1920s -- 1950s. We will get your toes tapping and itching to dance to a Mexican Fiesta, to the choreography of Jerome Robbins in his premiere ballet Fancy Free accompanied by the music of Leonard Bernstein, and to the tango from Ecclesiastes III, A Time to Dance! This concert will salute the great composers that influenced Academy Award winning movies, Broadway musicals, and the world of dance. This program has something for the young and the not so young.
Bethel Shows Pride
The annual Portland Pride Parade will happen Sunday, June 17 in downtown Portland. We would like a robust presence from Bethel to join with our sister UCC congregations. Pastor David will march again this year. If you would like to walk in our Bethel group, please RSVP to the office. Plan on meeting at the Millikan Way MAX station at 8:45 AM to ride the MAX downtown. Additional details will be provided to all those who RSVP. Click on the link to read about our participation last year:
THIS Sunday! Justice for Palestinian Children
THIS Sunday, April 29, at 11:30 AM, Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ will host a social justice forum on the military detention of Palestinian children. Thomas Beilman, a Central Pacific Conference member who has recently returned from a fact-finding delegation focused on Palestinian children in Israeli military detention, will provide basic facts about Israel's system of military detention, including a short documentary film, "Detaining Dreams," featuring the stories of four Palestinian children and their families undergoing the ordeal of Israeli military detention. We'll learn all about the UCC Resolution which advocates for these children, as well as other steps already under way and gaining traction to help bring peace and justice to families who have lived their entire lives knowing nothing but the hardship of occupation.
Military Detention of Palestinian Children
Social Justice Forum
Military Detention of Palestinian Children
Sunday, April 29, 11:30 AM.
At General Synod 31 in Baltimore last summer, UCC President John Dorhauer proclaimed the UCC vision of a just world for all - a vision which includes Love of Neighbor, Love of Children, and Love of Creation. Dorhauer's prophetic voice challenged us to work together to address inequities in our world. Delegates at that Synod reflected this love of children and love of justice when they approved overwhelmingly a resolution advocating for the rights of Palestinian children living under Israeli military occupation. The main author of this UCC resolution is Thomas Beilman, a member of our Central Pacific Conference. Beilman returned recently from a fact-finding delegation focused on Palestinian children in Israeli military detention. He will provide basic facts about Israel's system of military detention, including a short documentary film, "Detaining Dreams," featuring the stories of four Palestinian children and their families undergoing the ordeal of Israeli military detention. We'll learn all about the UCC Resolution which advocates for these children, as well as other steps already under way and gaining traction to help bring peace and justice to families who have lived their entire lives knowing nothing but the hardship of occupation.
Single Payer Healthcare Forum - What Now?
Last Sunday's Social Justice Forum on single-payer healthcare was a rousing success! We learned about the significant administrative and economic problems caused by the current private health insurance system and how a single-payer system could improve efficiency and reduce waste while providing quality healthcare for every American. Equally important, we learned what each one of us can do to help make single-payer healthcare a reality.
Tell our story.
Many of us have professional experience in the healthcare and insurance industries. Many of us have had problems with our personal health insurance (or lack thereof) or know someone who has. Legislators who are advocating for single-payer healthcare need to know we support this issue. And those who aren't need to know it too. It’s a tough battle in Salem and Washington D.C.!
Here are some convenient links for contacting your representatives. Do it now!
Ash Wednesday and the Season of Lent 2018
The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. This year Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day occur on the same day: February 14.
Lent is the six week season in the Christian calendar that precedes Easter. Lent provides the opportunity to take an honest look at your life to see what and how the message of God’s radical love can bring new life. The intent of the season is that when Easter morning arrives and we proclaim, “Christ is Risen!” we will be able to experience “Resurrection” too.
The Biblical foundation of the season of Lent is found in the synoptic Gospels:
Bethel Goes Tubing!
Hey Bethel families! Grab your galoshes, mittens, and warm coats and get ready to slide down the slippery slopes at Snow Bunny. It's a school holiday on Monday, February 19, President's Day, so let's take advantage of it and head up the highway to Mt. Hood. We'll meet at Bethel at 9:00 AM, carpool to the mountain. and spend the day snow tubing. All ages are welcome to participate.
Bethel’s Annual Meeting This Sunday – lots of good news to share!
Social Justice Advocacy Team Meets This Sunday
Come meet with Bethel’s Social Justice Advocacy Team this Sunday, Jan. 14, 11:30-12:30, to help plan upcoming Social Justice Forums. The meeting will be in Education Hall, downstairs in room 13. Past forums have provided information on homelessness, affordable housing, Oregon ballot measures, The New Jim Crow, and immigration. Our Feb. 25 forum will be about health care. Suggested topics for future forums include sexual assault/harassment, disability justice, gun violence, and international issues such as Israel/Palestine and the Cuba embargo.
Women's Gathering
Bethel's Quarterly Women's Gathering is scheduled for Saturday, January 6, 2018, 9 am - 1 pm. Our Theme is “The Gifts We Give Ourselves” with a focus on the topic of self-care. The day will begin with scripture and meditation, followed by the making of either bath salts or sachets to take home and enjoy. We will end with fellowship and lunch.
Beaverton High School Homeless Students Food Bag Delivery Day
Thanks to our awesome Bethel Family and our partners, we have enough food and bags for the Beaverton High School Homeless Teen food project. Now we are asking for bodies. On Sunday, Dec 17 around 7pm after Faith Café, we will move all the food into the fellowship hall. This is heavy work and a little chaotic. Join in if this appeals to you. On Monday, Dec. 18, we need food packers at Church by 9am. We also need drivers around 9:30 am to drive food to BHS. This is a fun community day so please join us if you are available.
Obamacare Healthcare Reform - Single Payer Medicare for All
Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ will be hosting a FREE Social Justice Forum on February 25, 2018 at 11:30 AM. We will screen the new documentary movie "Fix It - Healthcare at the Tipping Point" followed by a Q&A discussion with local healthcare activists. A light lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to
A powerful documentary that reaches across the political and ideological divide, "Fix It" makes the case for business leaders support for major healthcare reform. The film was two years in the making, with more than forty voices advocating for reform, including: activists, health policy experts, economists, physicians, nurses, patients, business and labor leaders.
Blue Christmas
Each year during Advent, Bethel offers a quieter, more meditative worship service for those who are coping with serious illness, grief, loss, or any of the other difficulties and challenges of life. The Blue Christmas Worship Service gives us an opportunity to give voice to our pain and frustration, and the opportunity to allow the Holy Spirit to minister to us through candle light, music, and, if desired, the ancient practice of anointing with oil. This year's Blue Christmas Worship will take place on Sunday, December 10 at 2 pm in Bethel's sanctuary.
Practice Compassionate Communication
Every 2nd and 4th Mondays from 7-8:30 pm, a group of people meet in the Conference Room at Bethel to practice our compassionate communication (NVC) skills. Come and be a part of the fun as we practice and hone our compassionate listening ears. No matter your level of experience or whether you've attended a group in the past, you are welcome to join us.
Beaverton Community Band Concert Supports Bethel
THIS Sunday from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM the Beaverton Community Band will be performing a FREE public concert at Bethel UCC. An offering will be taken, and 100% of the proceeds will go to Bethel!
Invite a friend to attend THIS Sunday, and let's show the band how much Bethel appreciates them! If you've never seen the Beaverton Community Band before, here is a video from an earlier concert at Bethel. Click the link, you'll be impressed!