The Bethel UCC Blessing Bag Angels (BBAs) invite you to participate in this special Advent gifting opportunity. Our goal is to assemble 200 Blessing Bags on December 9th for anyone who wants to take 2 or 3 bags to keep in their car and distribute to homeless persons in our community – and enlarge your world to population two! Something special you can do with your children or grandchildren to teach them about caring/giving for those in need. To reach our goal, we need to collect items or donations between now and December 2nd. A cash donation of $20 earmarked for this project will fund a Blessing Bag that contains basic toiletries, healthy snacks and warm clothing articles. Donations by check should be made out to Bethel UCC. We would also appreciate (in lieu of a donation) a contribution of any items on the attached shopping list. Many of these items are inexpensively available at a Dollar Tree, Walmart or K-Mart, and some come packaged in multiples which will help stretch your contribution across more than one Blessing Bag. Many thanks for your help from your Bethel UCC BBAs (Sarah Bradshay, Kate Jones, Beth Asmann, Sue Pike, Mo and Nikki Manley-Smith, Liz Patch, Kanedra Thomas, Kerry Elenitoba-Johnson, and Suzanne Dunn)! .
Bethel Weekly Highlights
On Saturday Night, it's time to set our clocks back an hour.
Looking forward to seeing you here at Bethel, November 4th,10:00 am, Standard Time.
All Saints Sunday November 4
This is the day we take time to remember and honor all of our departed loved ones with lighted candles. You are invited to bring a picture of your loved one and place it on the table in the Narthex under the stained glass.
Bethel Weekly Highlights
Rummage Sale - a huge success!
Bethel’s 2018 All-Church Rummage Sale generated over $6,500 to be applied toward the cost of the Fellowship Hall air conditioning. We had record donations as well as record profits. Most of the items not sold during the 2-day sale were taken to Value Village in Tigard. The payment we received from them exceeded $600, also a record. Additionally, we donated hardware and home goods to Habitat for Humanity, household items to the Community Warehouse, miscellaneous items to Good Will, shoes, canvas bags and back packs for Faith Café clients and children’s furniture to the Unity of Beaverton Church – for their rummage sale.
Many thanks to our leader, Susan Scott, to members of the Rummage Sale Planning Team and to all of you who contributed time and labor. It was truly a community effort. A special thank you to those who donated items for the sale.
We have already begun to plan for next year’s All-Church Rummage Sale. Please contact George Patch ( or 503-625-0910) if you would like to join our planning team.
Outside My Own Little World
Global Ministries Highlight—Ghana
This week, Jean Doane is excited to introduce you to two of the newest Global Ministries Mission Co-Workers, Rev. Dr. Larry Colvin and his wife Debbie Colvin. Larry and Debbie began work in Ghana on October 1, 2018. Larry was the Regional Minister for the Disciples of Christ Mid-America Region, while Debbie, a Certified Medical Assistant, was practice manager at a kidney dialysis clinic. Our partner organization in Ghana, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana, requested that Larry serve as a theology professor at Peki Seminary on the campus of Evangelical Presbyterian University in Ho, Ghana and that Debbie work with the public health ministry of the EP Church. Jean met Larry and Debbie at the Global Ministries Board meeting in Cleveland in November, 2017, when they were hoping that fund raising efforts would be sufficient to allow them to begin their work in Ghana. Thanks be to God, they received enough pledges to begin serving in Ghana. Funding for their mission follows the same Personalized Fundraising model that funded the work of Rev. Erik Free and his wife Kim Free in Mozambique. Through Mission and Outreach Committee, Bethel made annual contributions to the work of the Frees, and Erik and Kim spoke at Bethel after returning from 3 years in Mozambique. Jean and Jim Doane personally made annual gifts supporting the Frees and they are doing the same for the Colvins. Jean says, “Our hope is that people at Bethel will continue where we left off with the Frees by providing on-going support for Larry and Debbie during their 3 years in Ghana. This will help the congregation have a focus for involvement with Christianity in the world context.” More information about the Colvins and Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana, including information on how to donate to their ministries, can be found at
Bethel Weekly Highlights
Voter Resources
Important Dates:
10/16/2018: Voter Registration Deadline
10/17/2018: Ballots mailed
11/6/2018: General Election
Check your voter registration status:
Find out your precinct, register online and more!
Washington County:
Multnomah County: Multnomah County Elections Division
View the Online Voters’ Guide:
General Election Information:
League of Women Voters:
Rock the Vote:
Ballotpedia – measure information and sample ballet lookup:
Oregon Ballot Measures SJAA Forum: Please join the Social Justice Advocacy in Action Committee for a discussion of Oregon Ballot Measures on October 28, 2018 at 11:30 in the Fellowship Hall. Carolyn Rundorff will moderate.
Register to Vote - Last Day October 16
Want to know what is going to be on YOUR November ballot? will go live in early October. Find nonpartisan information on candidates and ballot measures on your ballot.
Want nonpartisan voter information for all of Oregon & Multnomah Co? Look for the English and Spanish guides at LWV Election Forums, all branches of the Multnomah County Library, Multnomah County Elections Office, New Seasons, college/university and community college campuses, Gresham City Hall, and other locations.
Hear from candidates and advocates at nonpartisan Election Forums at Multnomah County Board Rm, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd. Videos available on a few days later.
Tuesday, October 2 - Portland Commissioner, Position 3; Oregon Ballot Measure 103, no tax/fees on "groceries"; Portland Ballot Measure 26-201, surcharge for clean energy projects.
Tuesday, October 9 - Multnomah County Auditor (in partnership with City Club of Portland); Metro Ballot Measure 26-199 & Oregon Ballot Measure 102, affordable housing bonds; Oregon Ballot Measure 105, repeals law limiting enforcement of federal immigration laws.
In early October watch Video Voters' Guide Recordings of interviews with state legislative candidates running for election in Multnomah County at
October 16 is the last day to register to vote. October 17, ballots mailed to voters. Change your address on an existing Oregon Voter Registration up to election day, Nov. 6. Other Election Information - and
Outside My Own Little World Worship Series
For the next eight weeks, our Sunday morning worship will focus on the theme, “Outside My Own Little World”. Each week there will be a participatory component to worship. You will be invited to come forward and add to the building of a “Vision Board.” A vision board brings a visual collage of our thoughts, dreams and visions for Bethel’s ministry. A question or prompt will appear in the Weekly Highlights the Friday before Sunday. You’ll have time to ponder your response. When you arrive Sunday we will have the materials necessary to post your contribution to the Vision Board. This Sunday, September 23 – Theme: “I Try To Stay Awake!”Question/Prompt: What would you change about Bethel to get us “Outside Our Own Little World?”
Affordable Housing Social Justice Forum
On Sunday, September 30 at 11:30 AM the Social Justice Advocacy in Action committee will host a forum on Affordable Housing featuring guest speaker Komi P. Kalevor, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of Washington County. And Bethel members Paul Griffo and Carolyn Rundorff will update us on the latest volunteer opportunities with Habitat for Humanity and Family Promise. Don't miss it!
Compassionate Communication - Outside My Own Little World
This Fall we will begin the sermon series, "Outside My Own Little World" from Worship Design Studio. It seems the world these days teeters between those who seek to protect “their own” and those who dare to declare that all are worthy of compassion and care. In this series, we will remember why we are a Body together—being the hands and feet of Christ in a frightened and hurting world. What better way to do that then joining Bethel's Compassionate Communication Learning Community (CCLC). The CCLC is designed to help us get out of our own little world and really see people for who they are and where they are at. Learn about making observations without judgments and interpretations, embracing feelings as need messengers, identifying needs - ours and others and getting to the "ask." We will experiment with a blended learning style that will have an online component as well as in-person practice opportunities. It will be held September 10 - November 12. Click here for an overview. Be sure to register for the class by emailing Beth. The overview and orientation is September 10 at 7 pm in the conference room.
Blessing of the Animals
All are invited to join us for the Blessing of the Animals service on Sunday, September 9, at 10 am. The service will be held in Beaverton's Veteran's Memorial Park located at 7th and SW Watson. All are welcome to attend and bring their pets for a blessing. If your pet isn't comfortable around lots of people and pets, you are invited to bring a photo. Some children even bring their favorite stuffed animals -- all options are encouraged.
Quarterly Women's Gathering - September 15
Bethel’s Quarterly Women’s Gathering is Saturday, September 15, 2018, 9 AM – 1 PM. Please join us and bring a friend for “Casting Your Cares.” (Yes, we're holding on to summer with a beach theme.) We will be exploring what is ready to be released this fall so we can be beacons of God's love. Lunch is provided. Bring a breakfast snack item like muffins or fruit, or a dessert for after lunch. RSVP to Paige Unangst, text: 503-567- 9946, email: Let us know if you need child care.
Gun Violence Forum
On Sunday, August 26, 2018 at 11:30 AM the Social Justice Advocacy in Action Committee will present a Gun Violence Social Justice Forum. Speakers will include Bethel's own Diane Imel and Vivian Knudsen plus a presentation and Q&A with Ceasefire Oregon. A light lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to if you require childcare.
Guest Speaker Rev. Tara Wilkins - Sunday, August 12
Rev. Tara Wilkins will be speaking at Bethel THIS Sunday, August 12. She has served as pastor of Bridgeport United Church of Christ since August of 2012. She also serves as the Executive Director of the Community of Welcoming Congregations in Oregon and SW Washington. Rev. Tara has earned a solid reputation in the Pacific Northwest as an inspiring speaker, workshop leader and preacher and is often a guest lecturer at colleges and universities. She is a fierce advocate and justice warrior, proclaiming an inclusive Gospel that honors the many paths to God. Pastor, leader, activist, writer, contemplative, and mother are just some of her roles, but her favorite job is being Gram to her 9 grandchildren.
Bethel Beaverton Bash
Join us after church on September 9 for the Third Annual Bethel Beaverton Bash. There will be carnival games, sno-cones, face painting, bouncy house and even a dunk tank where you can "Dunk the Pastor" and others. There will be a table with information about the various committees at Bethel along with fun, food and fellowship. This year, we are having a Hawaiian theme so dig out your favorite Hawaiian attire and join us! We are looking for volunteers for set-up and clean up. Please contact Beth Astarte if you're available. Check out the Facebook Event!
Congregational Resolution on Healthcare
The Social Justice Advocacy in Action Committee and the Mission and Outreach Committee have endorsed a resolution in support of Health Care for All Oregonians. The Health Ministries Team at First Congregational UCC Corvallis is proposing the resolution for consideration by individual UCC congregations and by the Central Pacific Conference when it meets in September. The Mission and Outreach Committee has asked the Board to adopt this resolution prior to the CPC annual meeting.
To this end, an informational meeting has been scheduled for Sunday, August 19, 2018 at 11:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. The guest speaker for our February healthcare forum, Dr. Mike Huntington, will return to Bethel to provide more information and answer our questions about the resolution. Congregational feedback will be collected at the meeting and via email prior to the August board meeting. Please download and read the resolution HERE and plan to attend the meeting on August 19. Thank you!
What is Yours to Do For the Planet?
For 17 year old Aji Piper, it is his role to join with 20 other youth to sue the federal government. "Their complaint asserts that, through the government's affirmative actions that cause climate change, it has violated the youngest generation’s constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property, as well as failed to protect essential public trust resources." ( This lawsuit began in 2016 and has already weathered the federal government wanting the case to be dismissed. Gratefully, federal judges both on the original case and for the appeal saw merit in allowing the youth to continue with their lawsuit. After all, they only want clean air to breath, safe water to drink and healthy soil to grow the food they eat - they want the planet to be around for them and future generations.
Food Cupboard Needs
Join Us for Earth-Honoring Faith
THIS Sunday, June 24, begins a special summer sermon series called "Earth - Honoring Faith." How does our relationship to God - the Creator - affect the way we live on the earth? What if we lived truly connected to God's Creation? God created all things and called them "good." Throughout the series, we will look at the ways we live with the community of earth in a way that deepens our reverence for all of life. How does living in reverence for all of life inform our actions for justice and the ways we care for the earth?
Mental Health Sunday at Bethel
Sunday, June 10 will be Mental Health Sunday at Bethel. Jane Zilk and Jean Doane are planning the worship service with a focus on mental health awareness. Mental Health Sunday is a way for congregations to begin or to continue to provide education and support to members around mental health challenges. We hope to break down the wall of silence and stigma around mental illness by speaking openly about personal experiences with such challenges. Jane and Jean led Bethel’s first Mental Health Sunday in April, 2016.
After worship on June 10, Rosemary (Rosebud) Kirwin-Alvord of National Alliance for Mental Illness Washington County (NAMI) will speak in the Fellowship Hall. Rosemary’s adult daughter has struggled with schizophrenia for many years. Rosemary has journeyed from disbelief and helplessness at the diagnosis, through study, to compassion and advocacy for both those with mental illnesses (brain disorders) and their families. She is a volunteer teacher of the Family-to-Family classes at NAMI Washington County.
What's Happening?
Do you ever wonder what activities are going on at Bethel and just don't have time to wade through the myriad of calendar events? Well we have good news! One of our dedicated volunteers, Jan Hodge, has put together the Bethel UCC Activity Calendar. This rolling 2 month calendar groups events and activities by type - Family/Multi-Generational, Children/Youth and Adults. You can scan through the type of activity you're looking for and put what interests you on your calendar.
Beaverton Literacy Council Storybook 2018
The Storybook is a yearly tradition for Beaverton Literacy Council. This book gives our students the chance to work on their writing skills and provides them the chance to see their improvement in mastering what they are learning. English can be very frustrating and the students have made a huge commitment to learn the language. This is published to showcase their writing and perspectives.
The theme this year is “That was then, this is now…” We commend our students’ success and effort on this journey. The stories are published as written by the students with some spelling corrections, but no other editing or modifications. We are hoping you will take pleasure in reading the stories from our hard working students. Click here to visit the BLC website and read the Storybook 2018!