What is Post-Evangelicalism?


Post-Evangelical Church - Embracing the Journey

The emergence of the post-evangelical church has marked a significant shift within the broader Christian community in recent years. This movement represents a growing number of believers who, while rooted in evangelical traditions, are seeking to reimagine and reshape their faith practices to better align with contemporary understandings of spirituality, inclusivity, and social justice. At Bethel Beaverton, we recognize and celebrate this journey, inviting our community to explore what it means to be post-evangelical and how this movement is shaping our collective faith experience.

Understanding Post-Evangelicalism - definition

The term "post-evangelical" is multifaceted, reflecting a broad spectrum of beliefs and practices. At its core, it signifies a departure from certain aspects of traditional evangelicalism, often characterized by a questioning of rigid doctrines, a move away from politicized faith, and a deeper emphasis on the inclusive and transformative teachings of Jesus Christ. Post-evangelicals seek a faith that is dynamic, authentic, and deeply connected to the realities of the modern world.

Key Characteristics of the Post-Evangelical Church

1. Inclusivity and Diversity: One of the hallmarks of the post-evangelical movement is a commitment to inclusivity. This includes welcoming individuals from diverse backgrounds, including different racial, ethnic, and socio-economic groups, as well as affirming LGBTQ+ individuals. The post-evangelical church strives to create a space where everyone (LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, others) feels valued and loved, reflecting the inclusive nature of Christ's ministry.

2. Social Justice and Activism: Post-evangelicals are often deeply engaged in social justice issues, believing that faith should be lived out through actions that promote equity and justice. This involves addressing systemic issues such as poverty, racism, and environmental degradation. At Bethel Beaverton, we are committed to being agents of change in our community, working to make the world a more just and compassionate place.

3. Questioning and Doubt: Unlike traditional evangelical settings where doubt might be discouraged, the post-evangelical church sees questioning and doubt as integral to faith development. Encouraging open dialogue about theological and ethical issues allows believers to grow and deepen their understanding of God in a supportive community.

4. Focus on Spiritual Practices: There is a renewed emphasis on ancient spiritual practices such as contemplative prayer, meditation, and the use of liturgy. These practices help individuals connect with God on a deeper level and foster a sense of peace and presence in a busy world.

5. Redefining Worship and Community: Worship in the post-evangelical church often incorporates contemporary music, art, and technology, creating vibrant and meaningful experiences. Community life is reimagined to emphasize authentic relationships and mutual support, moving away from consumeristic models of church growth.

The Journey Forward at Bethel Beaverton

Welcome to a Progressive Christian Church and home for spiritual refugees and post-evangelicals.

At Bethel Beaverton, we are excited about the possibilities that the post-evangelical movement brings. We are committed to being a place where people can explore their faith openly, engage with critical issues of our time, and find a supportive community. Here are some ways we are embracing this journey:

Inclusive Worship Services: Our services are designed to be welcoming to all because of your differences: LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, health, wealth, spiritual refugees, religious or non-religious background, incorporating diverse voices and perspectives. We strive to create a worship experience that is both spiritually enriching and inclusive.

Community Engagement: We are actively involved in local initiatives that address social justice issues, from supporting local food banks to participating in interrupting racism. Preparing food for Beaverton High Students.

Open Dialogue: We host regular discussion groups and forums where members can share their doubts, questions, and insights, fostering a culture of open and respectful dialogue.

Spiritual Growth Opportunities: Offering retreats, workshops, and small groups focused on spiritual practices, we encourage our community to deepen their relationship with God in meaningful ways.

Join Us on the post-evangelicalism Journey

Whether you are new to the concept of post-evangelicalism or have been on this path for some time, we invite you to join us at Bethel Beaverton. Together, we can explore what it means to live out our faith in ways that are authentic, inclusive, and transformative. Let us embrace this journey with open hearts and minds, trusting that God is leading us toward a richer and more expansive understanding of God’s love and grace.

For more information about our services and programs, please visit our website or contact us directly. We look forward to walking this path with you.

Learn More, click below:

Post-evangelical worship videos.

What is Progressive Christianity?

About Bethel Beaverton.

Contact Bethel Beaverton.

LGBTQIA! at Bethel Beaverton

Staying Connected via Zoom and Facebook Live

Sunday worship live on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/BethelBeaverton/) and Zoom (https://zoom.us/j/140844207 or by phone at 1-253-215 8782 Meeting ID: 140 844 207) on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m