Filtering by: Series: Advent

10:00 PM22:00

Christmas Eve

  • Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We Believe, Even Now

At 5 pm December 24 via YouTube and Facebook featuring this year’s Christmas Pageant and special music by the Bethel choir. This is pre-recorded so you can watch it at a time that is convenient for your family. Have your Christmas Eve candles ready for the candle lighting during this service.

“Suddenly a great assembly of the heavenly forces was with the angel praising God.

They said, “Glory to God in heaven, and on earth peace…”

"How beautiful upon the mountains     are the feet of a messenger     who proclaims peace,     who brings good news…”            (Luke 2: 13-14 and Isaiah 52: 7)

Luke’s account is the narrative we return to again and again on this holy night, for this author gives us the most beloved detail. We yearn to see the scene play out, to hear the music of the angels, to feel the rush to the manger to see what this star that pierces the night sky has come to proclaim. We so desire to believe the Good News of the messengers that is the culmination of humanity’s pain of birth: “don’t be afraid” for unto us a sign has come that will be to all people… “on earth, peace.” 

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10:00 AM10:00

I Believe in the Light

  • Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Illuminating Peace
Advent 4

“What came into being through the Word was life,      and the life was the light for all people.” “A child is born to us, a son is given to us,     and authority will be on his shoulders.

    He will be named

    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,

    Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.”

             (John 1: 3-4 and Isaiah 9: 6)

The “great light” prophesied by Isaiah in today’s text is echoed in the first strains of John’s Gospel good news: the light that brings peace–that saves the people from all that would extinguish it–has been there from the beginning. The Word is made flesh and dwells among us. This reign is now… will we believe it? Will we continue to put flesh on it, embodying the peace meant for all humanity?

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10:00 AM10:00

I Believe in Love

  • Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Daring Right Relationship
Advent 2

“Look! A virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son,

        And they will call him, Emmanuel (‘God with us').”                          (Mathew 1: 23 and Isaiah 7: 14)

In both the Gospel of Matthew and Isaiah, a messenger appears as a sign from God, heralding a new era. In each passage, the words “do not be afraid” appear… offering a clue that the messenger–whether prophet or angel–was referencing something that induced fear in the recipient. A new way of being, of relating and loving takes courage– eschewing the present order of things so that a new and better day can be born. 

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Epiphany Sunday
10:00 AM10:00

Epiphany Sunday

Join us on Epiphany Sunday, January 5 at 10 am as we complete our Heaven and Nature Sing series.

"On this last week of our series about joy, we encounter a narrative text about a fearful and vengeful ruler who has it out for the newborn “King” Jesus and takes it out on the children of the land. The cruelty of the story is hard to fathom, as is the situation at the borders of so many refugees around the world today. What’s joy got to do with it? 

The Hebrew root for “joy” used 54 times in the Hebrew scriptures–ranan (pronounced raw-nan’)–means “to shout, to cry out” and to “overcome.” Our shouting for joy trains the lungs and gives us the courage to shout aloud for the overcoming of injustice. How will we use our exuberance for the righting of wrongs for the sake of the wonders of God’s love to come upon the earth?" -
Marcia McFee, Worship Design Studio

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10:00 PM22:00

Candlelight Christmas Eve Service

  • 5150 Southwest Watson Avenue Beaverton, OR, 97005 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Lord is Come: Incarnate Joy

“Joy to the World, the Lord is come!” On this Christmas Eve we celebrate the world-altering narrative of the inbreaking, indwelling, incarnation of the Holy among us. Do you remember the feeling you may have had in moments, events or revelations that changed your life, your outlook, your trajectory forever? The depth of that feeling is what “deep joy” is about. Not simply happiness, that can be fleeting, but the idea that no matter what, there is something living within you that can sustain you for the long haul. God is birthing this within us again and again.

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5:00 PM17:00

Family Christmas Eve Service

  • 5150 Southwest Watson Avenue Beaverton, OR, 97005 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“Joy to the World, the Lord is come!”

Suitable for families with young children

Participatory reenactment of the Christmas story

On this Christmas Eve, what better way to celebrate the world-altering narrative of the in-breaking, indwelling, incarnation of the Holy among us than with a service suitable for families with young children as well as those who want an earlier Christmas Eve service.  This service will include a participatory reenactment of the Christmas story as recorded in Scripture along with carols, costumes, prayers and a special candle lighting. The hopeful, loving, unabashed joy of children reminds us of God's incarnate love for us. No matter your age, we hope you'll join us for this very special service.

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10:00 AM10:00

Christmas Service Fourth Sunday of Advent

  • 5150 Southwest Watson Avenue Beaverton, OR, 97005 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Make the Nations Prove

Peaceful Joy

Emmanuel means “God with us.”

The name Emmanuel means “God with us.” From both the Hebrew and Christian narratives, we hear the yearning for this “Emmanuel”–for God to become so present that God’s peace, truth, love, and justice reign among all the world and bring balance to what feels out-of-sorts. Our Psalm in this series names the joyful expression of all creation as the response to the news that the Prince of Peace, Emmanuel, is coming at long last.

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to Dec 25

Christmas Services in Beaverton- Advent Worship Series:

  • bethel congregational united church of christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Advent services begin December 1 and end Christmas Eve.

Beloved Christmas classic, “Joy to the World,”

The season of Advent begins on December 1 (the Sunday after Thanksgiving.) Our theme this year is Heaven and Nature Sing as we explore the beloved Christmas classic, “Joy to the World,” which turns 300 this year. Composer Isaac Watt’s interpretation of Psalm 98 invites us to sing a “new song”–and it is a powerful cosmic performance of all creation being renewed and freed. Rather than “joy” being yet another word for “happiness,” we will discover that the depths of joy can be found especially in the midst of suffering, the work of justice, and the presence of compassion–all part of the coming of Jesus to this world and a message the world still so desperately needs.

Christmas Wreath. Story of Christmas during Advent Season

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