It's a Wonder-Full Life Sermon Series Begins October 20th

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Join us this Sunday, October 20th as we launch our 2020 Stewardship Campaign and sermon series - It's a Wonder-Full Life! Click here to see the trailer!

Spiritual practice feeds that part of ourselves that is oriented toward serenity, harmony, truth, compassion, gratitude, love and joy. But these are not always words we use to describe the role of money in our lives. In the classic film, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” a crisis of money creates vastly diverse reactions from several characters that can hold up a mirror to our own relationships with money. In this four-week series, we will “look” squarely in the face of our money issues in compassionate ways that can offer more depth of meaning, healing, and wholeness and a whole new “outlook” on what constitutes a wonderful life.

To delve deeper into this topic, join the Conversations for the Curious Class on Sunday mornings or sign up for Pastor David's Class on Money and Meaning, Tuesdays at 11:30 am or 7 pm.

Neighbors in Need


The Neighbors in Need offering, which we will collect this Sunday, October 13, supports the UCC's ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. Two-thirds of the offering is used by the UCC's Justice and Witness Ministries to fund a wide array of local and national justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects. Working with members of the UCC Justice and Peace Action Network (a network of thousands of UCC justice and peace advocates), Justice and Witness continues its strong policy advocacy work on issues such as the federal budget, voting rights, immigration, health care, hate crimes, civil liberties, and environmental justice. Neighbors in Need also supports our American Indian neighbors in the UCC. One-third of the offering supports the UCC's Council for American Indian Ministries (CAIM). Historically, forebears of the UCC established churches and worked with Lakota, Dakota, Nakota, Mandan, Hidatsa, Arickara, and Hocak in North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, and northern Nebraska. Today there are 20 UCC congregations on reservations and one urban, multi-tribal UCC congregation in Minneapolis, Minnesota. These churches and their pastors are supported by CAIM.

Unpacking the Sabbatical Retreat

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Join us on Saturday, October 19 from 9 am - 3 pm in the Fellowship Hall as we Unpack the Sabbatical with consultant Margaret Marcusen. This is the time for the congregation to share about their experiences over the summer and for Pastor David to share more about his and then, as a group, see where we go from here. All congregants, especially leadership, are encouraged to attend. Please sign up on Sunday so we can plan for set up and lunch. Thank you!

Let your voice be heard!

HomePlate - special video projecT

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HomePlate is working on a special video project to highlight their many programs, and will be filming at Fellowship Hour this Sunday, September 29! For more information about this project, read on:

Over the past few months, HomePlate Youth Services has been working with Devin Tau, a local documentarian, on a youth-focused video for HomePlate. He has joined them on outings, come to their main office for a "mock drop-in," and filmed at both Sit-n-Stay and It Takes A Village. All of the interviews have been with the youth, which is the biggest difference when compared to our other videos that feature the staff and/or volunteers. Last on the list of filming opportunities is HomePerk. Devin and his camera operator, along with the two new core HomePerk volunteers, will be present at filming at Bethel's Fellowship Hour on September 29. We imagine that they would like to take some wide shots of the line coming through for coffee, maybe the dining area, and will probably want to film Maddison or Christian interacting with people (for those who are comfortable and would like to help with the project and be featured). Please feel free to check in with Devin the filmmaker, who is very friendly. HomePlate ultimately hopes to use the video as promotional material to have on their website, use at presentations, etc. We're really excited to help provide some good footage of HomePerk in action and help our friends at HomePlate.

Summer of Adventure Video


Check out Bethel’s Summer of Adventure video! It shows Pastor David beginning his sabbatical on his motorcycle, Gong Healing, Taizé Labyrinth walk, hiking interviews, Rev. Rodriguez’s tribute Bethel and her Summer of Adventure and more.

The Communications team’s adventure was to upgrade our equipment and improve methods to make better videos for you. Watch them when you can’t attend in person, or want to re-experience a worship service. Really, try it! Visit Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ on FacebookYouTube, or our Website (SERMONS tab, or Staff page for more interviews).

We are pleased when we hear how people have benefited from these videos.  With your help we can make an even greater difference. Join us, learn, grow, create, and bless others with our message.  Do camera work, video editing, sound, lighting, or story design regardless of where you are on  your audio/visual journey.

Contact Stan Davis, Communication Team members, or staff

Rummage Sale

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The Bethel Rummage Sale is approaching and we need everyone to pitch in! This is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and a great way for you to give to Bethel is to help with the annual Rummage Sale. Here are some ideas for how to get involved:

1. Now is a good time to sort through your cupboards, closets, and garages. There will be boxes in the Narthex and Fellowship Hall every Sunday in September for you to take home home and fill up. Drop off days and hours are attached to every box. PLEASE DO NOT BRING ITEMS BEFORE SEPT 30th. WE HAVE NO SPACE FOR STORAGE.
2. We also need your time!
-Can you spend time hanging up clothing as donations come in?
-On Sept 30 and Oct 3, can you unpack a box and set items on a table? Evening hours are available.
-On Oct 3, can you help stick prices on items?
-On Oct 4 and 5, can you sit or stand in a designated area and greet shoppers, answer questions, like where to check out? Can you add up purchases using a calculator? Can you bag purchases?
3. Volunteering is probably one of the best ways to meet people and make connections. If you are new to Bethel or a long time member, we would love your help at the Rummage Sale!

Quarterly Women's Gathering: Call to Courage


Join us Saturday, September 14 from 9 AM to 1 PM for the fall women’s retreat. We will be exploring the themes in Brené Browns video “Call to Courage.” She has penned 5 New York Times best sellers and has spent over 20 years studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. She challenges us to choose courage over our comfort in a culture defined by scarcity, fear, and uncertainty. Come ready to learn and share about what a "call to courage" might look like for you. Lunch will be provided, please bring a morning snack to share. If you need child care let Paige know when you register. RSVP to or 503-567-9946.

Update: Pastor David's Return


As you may recall, Paige announced on Sunday that Pastor David tore the distal bicep tendon at his left elbow. He saw the surgeon this afternoon and as luck would have it, he was able to have surgery this past Thursday, August 29. It was an outpatient procedure and he is expected to return to work after Labor Day. Pastor Dianne will be with us on September 1. The "Stump the Pastor" sermon will wait until Pastor David's return on September 8 so you have another week to think of questions to ask. Please keep Pastor David in your prayers.

Help Needed: Sorting School Supplies for Beaverton Students


The Beaverton School District reached out to Bethel about getting help sorting school supply donations. If you are available to help on Friday, August 30 from 11am-3pm, the district could use your assistance. Because of all the media this spring about budget cuts and the Student Success Act, Beaverton School District has been blessed with numerous donors coming in with school supplies. NOW THEY NEED HELP SORTING! Sorting at the warehouse is family friendly, and even an hour of your time is a help. You can contact Christina Mackin, Community Resource Coordinator to RSVP via email at or by cell (503)789-8309. This event will take place at BSD Transportation Support Center, south parking lot garage entrance. 1270 NW 167th Place, Beaverton.

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream!


Please come August 25 after worship to celebrate Pastor Dianne's last Sunday with us and enjoy some ice cream at the Ice Cream Social! We will have the ice cream base, whipped cream, chocolate and caramel. We would love to see what you like to top your ice cream with, so please bring your favorite toppings to share! However, we are keeping the ice cream social nut free so please leave nut toppings at home. Looking forward to seeing you there!