Congregational Meeting - July 19

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We will be holding a congregational meeting on Sunday, July 19 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Zoom. Link: Note: this is the same link as Sunday worship, so if you are joining us for worship that morning, just stay logged into the same Zoom session and we'll reconvene for the congregational meeting after a quick pause following worship. In this meeting, we'll be discussing the upcoming HVAC replacement project and other congregational updates.

Racial Justice Resources


White privilege, white fragility, intersectionality, systemic racism and Black Lives Matter are just a few of the terms we're hearing more and more of. What do they all mean? Pastor David talked in his sermon about doing something. One thing we can do is to educate ourselves about the history of racism in our country and how it is continuing today. To that end, here's a link to a resource list of books, movies, podcasts and TedTalks -

This list will be continually updated so if you run across a good resource, please email Beth Astarte with the information. Together, we can learn and have conversations to gain understanding to be better allies and advocates for people of color and all those who are marginalized in our society.

Movie Discussion - Just Mercy


Although Bethel has discussed the concepts of white privilege and racial inequality in the past, it is more important than ever that we provide a place for conversation and dialogue. This will require us to draw on all of our compassionate listening skills as we listen to other's opinions that we might not agree with and humility as we say things that may not be politically correct.

So, with all that in mind, Bethel is going to jump in with both feet and provide a place for you to come and dialogue with each other. We have decided to center our discussion around the viewing of a film. There are many great movie choices available to stream online. The staff has chosen the 2019 film Just Mercy as the first movie for us to discuss. This is free to view on Amazon, even without a Prime video subscription. You can located the movie here: Please watch Just Mercy before June 25. We will be hosting a Zoom meeting on June 25 from 7-8:30 pm for us to discuss the movie, share what feelings it brought up, what it made us think about, and what insights we may have gained. This will be a safe place for all of us, including staff, to continue to educate ourselves on the complex issues surrounding white privilege and racial injustice.
Zoom link:

Other movie discussion dates will be provided throughout the summer. In the meantime, Pastor David will be looking at materials for an in depth study of white privilege in the fall. Staff is putting together a resource list of movies, books and podcasts about white privilege. If you have some favorites, please email them to so we can add them to the list. We'll post the list next week. 

Bethel Received a Social Services Grant Award!


Bethel Received a Social Services Grant Award! Outreach Committee is happy to announce that Bethel was chosen as one of the recipients of the 2020-2021 Social Services Grant. Not only were we awarded an initial $5,000, which was what we applied for, but we were later notified that an additional $15,000 would be awarded to Bethel - available funds were remaining after all of the initial awards were given out, and food programs were prioritized for the additional available funds. Amazing news.

We will be using the $5,000 original grant funds to purchase additional foods to boost the nutritional value of the Winter and Spring Break food bags for Beaverton High School Homeless students. Congratulations and special thanks to those who worked so hard on this grant: Fran Jensen, the grant's author, as well as Jim Keniston, Kelsey Brielle Rundorff, Nancy Winston, Megan Cohen from the City of Beaverton, and the Outreach Committee. Fantastic job.

Bethel's Response to Racial Injustice


Bethel’s Senior Pastor Rev. David Randall-Bodman shares this pastoral response:

I have given considerable thought and prayer to a pastoral response to the murder of George Floyd and the resulting expression of public protest. The situation we find ourselves in has a long history. The outrage being expressed across the country is a symptom of a very complex system of institutional racism that has plagued our country since 1619 when the first African Americans were brought to this country and forced to serve as slaves.  Everything from economic disparity, home ownership, opportunity to vote, mass incarceration, and access to quality education and healthcare, and disproportionate representation in traditional positions of power and authority have contributed to where we find ourselves today.

Here’s what I believe:

Racism is real.

Current and past claims of injustice are legitimate.

Injustice against African Americans and other people of color will stop when whites see it, own it and make “justice for all” a priority not just an empty phrase.

Baby steps toward stemming the tide of racial injustice demand spiritual and emotional strength:

To acknowledge our own (white) privilege;

To stop dismissing and taking offense when African Americans speak their truth;

To listen with open minds and hearts.

In his sermon “The Cross and the Lynching Tree: A Requiem for Ahmaud Arbery” (, The Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III observed that over the course of American history, every time black resistance to racial injustice has been expressed, it was met with white resentment laced with violence. (A visit to the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture drove that point home to me last August.) He also made the brilliant connection:  we are suffering from two viruses – COVID-19 and COVID-1619 (the virus of racism that has continued to morph over hundreds of years).

I want to share a personal example.  When I attended Union Theological Seminary, I was deeply influenced by African American professors, Rev. Dr. James Cone and Rev. James Forbes.  Even more so, I was shaped by the friendships I had with fellow African American students: Robina Winbush, Gary Simpson, Greg Groover, Mark Chapman, and Kelly Brown-Douglas (my Systematic theology tutor). I would never have begun the hard work of acknowledging my white privilege had I not been loved enough by my professors and colleagues to show me.  

It is easy to dismiss racial injustice until you witness it. In seminary, I confessed to an African American friend that I just really didn’t get why black folk believed they had it so much harder than white folk.  He suggested we go to a nearby grocery store to buy groceries.  

As we approached the store, he told me that we’d go in together and then split up to do our own shopping.  He suggested we meet in about 10 minutes toward the back of the store.  When we found each other, he faced me and asked, “Is there a guy about 15 feet behind me?”  “Yeah” I said.  “Well he’s been following me around ever since I entered the store.  Anyone following you?”  “No”…it hadn’t even occurred to me that someone would be following me.  My friend said, “He’s a plain clothed store security officer.”  “Keep shopping,” my friend said, “let’s meet up at the cash registers in a few minutes.” We met at the check-out line.  “You go ahead of me” my friend said.  I unloaded my groceries and paid for them by personal check.  “Thank you” the clerk smiled at me as she gave me my receipt. My friend then unloaded his groceries and prepared to pay by check (By the way – we both had checking accounts from the same bank).  The clerk glared at him and said “I’ll need to see three forms of ID and two of them have to be photo ID’s.”  He looked at me and said, “Are you starting to get it?”

My friend and I had both graduated from prestigious liberal arts colleges.  Both students at the seminary a few blocks away.  Both from middle class, professional families. We were dressed and groomed almost identically.  The only difference was the color of our skin. He was tailed by a security officer and forced to prove his identity, while I experienced neither.

If you are a black person, you’d know that this sort of thing happens all the time. If you are a white person, you’d be inclined to think this was an isolated incident.  Surely my friend wouldn’t experience this every time he shopped?  This is an example of the blindness of white privilege.  Because we take so much for granted, we are stunned when we discover that not everyone enjoys the same privileges; and what’s worse, rather than being given the benefit of the doubt, they are considered guilty until proven innocent.

I find racial injustice deeply troubling. If you are like most kind-hearted people, you want to be a positive force for justice, but you may not know what to do or what to say. That isn’t a good enough excuse to do nothing or to stay silent.

My African American friends and colleagues would rather I/we try to be a force for good….to support the hard fight for racial justice in America, than to be paralyzed by our own fear that we’ll say or do the wrong thing.

With God’s help, we’ll be a force for good.

Moment for Mission: Strengthen the Church

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Please join us in common mission, vision, and purpose by taking up the Strengthen the Church offering this Sunday, May 31! The Strengthen the Church Offering reflects the shared commitment of all settings of the United Church of Christ to cooperatively build up the UCC. Conferences and the national setting equally share the gifts given by members and friends through their local congregations. The funds raised support leadership development, new churches, youth ministry, and innovation in existing congregations. This offering embodies the wisdom, “together we grow stronger.” This offering provides the financial resources for the United Church of Christ to be a Spirit-inspired and world-changing Christian movement. STC funds ministry that allows us to benefit from best practices, insights, and innovations across the life of the UCC. Because of your support, new church starts have emerged, congregations have been revitalized, and leadership skills have been enhanced. Please continue to help the UCC expand its light by taking up the Strengthen the Church offering on May 31! If you would like to contribute to this offering, please indicate "Strengthen the Church" in your check memo line or while donating online. Thank you!

Guest Worship Leaders - May 24!

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Several weeks ago the Council of Conference Ministers UCC sent a “gift” to all local church pastors. The gift was a complete worship service for “weary local church pastors and staff members”. You’ll have a chance to see and hear UCC clergy from around the country lead worship. Our Moderator Paige Unangst and Personnel chair Heather Griffo agreed to accept the gift on Bethel’s behalf. As a result, Pastor David, Beth, Owen and Chad are getting a break from preparing and presenting worship this holiday weekend. Monique Manley-Smith also gets a break from her work to sync Facebook Live with Zoom. Paige Unangst has graciously offered to host the Zoom worship presentation at 10am. (

If you join Sunday worship on Facebook, the service will be posted. Liz Patch will schedule a “watch party”. If you join via Zoom, Paige will serve as your “live” host. We hope you appreciate the opportunity to see other clergy from around the country lead worship.  Pray for David, Beth, Owen and Chad to enjoy Sabbath and rest and relaxation this weekend.

Bethel's Got Talent


Bethel is having a virtual talent show this Saturday, May 16 at 6 pm! The deadline for submissions is TODAY, Friday, May 15 at midnight, so you have until the end of the day today to send us a video of your amazing talent. 

The Bethel Talent Show will be held on Zoom using the following link ( If you have a talent to share we want to hear from you! Whether it's a musical talent, a poetic talent, a talent for physical movement, photography or any other type of talent, please join in the fun! 

This talent show will consist of pre-recorded clips. You'll submit your clips ahead of time. It's easy to submit. You can submit a video (preferred) or audio file. It's easy to record an audio file in your Voice Memos app on your smartphone or tablet. To submit material contact music director, Owen ( Audio files can be emailed, video files can be easily uploaded to Dropbox. Email Owen for easy-to-follow instructions for the Dropbox upload.

Staying Connected during COVID-19 via Zoom and Facebook Live

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We will be broadcasting Sunday worship live on Facebook ( and Zoom (, or by phone at 1-301-715-8592 Meeting ID: 140 844 207) on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM. We will be mailing Sunday School materials to our Bethel families with children enrolled in Sunday School. If you are having trouble accessing worship or other programs online on Facebook or Zoom, please contact Nancy Winston at or (503) 544-3323 for assistance.

Young Adults are meeting Mondays at 4:30 PM via Zoom at:

Mid-Week Prayer Service at 6 pm on Wednesday via Zoom. The Zoom link is:, or by phone at +1 253 215 8782 US, Meeting ID: 287 178 245.

Pastor David will be hosting an open drop in session for checking in on Zoom each Friday from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM here:

Beth will be hosting an open drop in session for checking in on Zoom each Monday from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM here:

Bookies will meet next on May 26 at:

Check back with Highlights each week for links to other special events and programs going on that we

Food Cupboard

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Thank you for coming in to pack boxes Allison and Fred Krueger, Jim Heider, Julie and Kay Fairman, and Fran Jensen. Thank you for taking extra shifts Elizabeth and Christian Heinlein, Jim Keniston, Phyllis Hancock, Karen Strickland, and Sue Butler. Thank you for making and donating masks Nancy Winston, Jim and JoeLynn Keniston, and Lynne Elbert. Thank you for donating your personal supply of hand sanitizer and wipes Nancy Winston, Susan Hanson, and Fran Jensen. Thank you for gloves and one-time use masks Steve Thomas and Lynne Elbert. And thank you Jose Alviar, now volunteering every Thursday! We are staying busy but are overwhelmed thanks to the extra help from Bethel folks. You are a blessing to Bethel and to the food cupboard clients, and your time and efforts  are greatly appreciated.

For the food cupboard, we now need bars of soap, any size. We are putting one bar in each family box, and are nearly out.  If you have supplies to donate, there are volunteers there Monday and Thursday mid-day, between 11:30 and 12:30, and Wednesday evenings between 6:30 and 7:30 PM.  Please don't leave things at the door.  And remember, you can always make a $$ donation marked for "food ministries". Thank you! 

Bethel Continues to Support Beaverton High School

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Beaverton High School Community Partners will be packing and delivering hygiene and paper goods to Beaverton High School for families to choose at the daily nutrition pick up. These products will support families affected by the school closure due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Items to be collected are: deodorant, razors, shaving cream, laundry pods, dental supplies, soap, toilet paper, paper towels, facial tissues, hair care and feminine hygiene products. Bethel has been assigned the paper products but all donations are welcome. If you would like to drop any of these items off, pull into the Parkside Fellowship parking lot at 5755 SW Erickson, Beaverton, OR 97005. Drop off will be Thursdays from 10 AM to 1 PM into June. Volunteers receiving these donated items will be practicing safe handling and distancing to keep everyone healthy. Volunteers will also package these items into bags and deliver them to Beaverton High School. Families who are in need will be able to choose items at the normal nutrition food pick up time. Traffic Note: Allen north on Erickson turning left into church lot works better than taking Farmington south on Erickson because of the long meal pick up lines.

Thanks for all you do as a caring, vibrant congregation!
-Nancy Winston

Bethel Continues to Support Beaverton High School

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Beaverton High School Community Partners will be packing and delivering hygiene and paper goods to Beaverton High School for families to choose at the daily nutrition pick up. These products will support families affected by the school closure due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Items to be collected are: deodorant, razors, shaving cream, laundry pods, dental supplies, soap, toilet paper, paper towels, facial tissues, hair care and feminine hygiene products. Bethel has been assigned the paper products but all donations are welcome. If you would like to drop any of these items off, pull into the Parkside Fellowship parking lot at 5755 SW Erickson, Beaverton, OR 97005. Drop off will be Thursdays from 10 AM to 1 PM into June. Volunteers receiving these donated items will be practicing safe handling and distancing to keep everyone healthy. Volunteers will also package these items into bags and deliver them to Beaverton High School. Families who are in need will be able to choose items at the normal nutrition food pick up time. Traffic Note: Allen north on Erickson turning left into church lot works better than taking Farmington south on Erickson because of the long meal pick up lines.

Thanks for all you do as a caring, vibrant congregation!
-Nancy Winston

Easter Service and Hallelujah Chorus Music


We will celebrate Easter and the risen Christ this Sunday, April 12 at 10:00 AM. Join us on Facebook Live ( or on Zoom ( or by telephone at +1 301 715 8592, Meeting ID: 140 844 207). This all-generational virtual worship will celebrate Christ’s resurrection with special music, prayers and liturgy. An invitation to sing Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus will conclude worship.  

Hallelujah Chorus Music

On Easter Sunday our service will conclude with the singing of the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah. If you'd like to sing along the sheet music can be downloaded in pdf form here ( You will be singing along with a recording from Bethel's performance of Handel's Messiah with Mt Hood Community College Orchestra in 2015. 

Holy Week Schedule


Though we anticipate that we will be asked to stay home through Holy Week and even Easter during this very unusual year, we are still going to be commemorating the Passion of Jesus Christ and Holy Week at Bethel. Make plans now to join us for virtual Holy Week services online beginning Sunday, April 5. During Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday services, we will celebrate the sacrament of Communion via Zoom and Facebook Live.  Be prepared to improvise in your own homes what you would like to eat and drink to symbolize the “bread” and the “cup” when it is time to “share the elements”.

Bethel begins the celebration with a Palm Sunday service on Sunday, April 5 at 10:00 AM. Join us on Facebook Live or on Zoom (

We will have a Maundy Thursday service on Thursday, April 9 at 7:00 PM. Note that the time has changed from our typical Maundy Thursday time. Join us on Facebook Live or on Zoom (

On Good Friday, April 10 at 10:00 AM, we will livestream a special Stations of the Cross service on Zoom (

We will celebrate Easter and the risen Christ on April 12 at 10:00 AM. Join us on Facebook Live or on Zoom (

Staying Connected during COVID-19

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Pastor David and Bethel staff have been monitoring the COVID-19 spread and following the guidelines of the CDC and the Oregon Health Authority. We are prioritizing the safety of our church community and we are implementing the following measures to try to keep everyone safe and healthy:

We will be broadcasting Sunday worship live on Facebook ( and Zoom ( on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM. We will be mailing Sunday School materials to our Bethel families with children enrolled in Sunday School.

Even if you've not been attending the Sunday or Tuesday class, everyone is welcome to join us on Tuesday at 11:30 am or 7 pm for the Entering the Passion of Jesus Class via Zoom. The Zoom link is:

During this time of social distancing, it is important to feel connected so please join us for a time of prayer at 6 pm on Wednesday via Zoom. The Zoom link is:

Pastor David will be hosting an open drop in session for checking in on Zoom each Friday from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM here:

Beth will be hosting an open drop in session for checking in on Zoom each Monday from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM here:

Our office will be closed, but you can continue to reach Courtney by email at, Beth at, and Pastor David at Staff remote office hours will still be Monday through Friday from 9 AM – 3 PM. While we are working remotely, we will still be checking our voicemails throughout the day but may not be able to respond to your calls as quickly.

Your pledges and donations keep things running at Bethel. You can send us your pledge, offering, or donation by:

  • Dropping a check off in the mail slot by the Watson Street doors by the choir robes. It will go into a locked box the staff can access.

  • Putting a check in the mail.

  • Giving online through e-Giving by clicking here:

  • If you pay your bills online through your financial institution, you can make Bethel UCC one of your online bill payees and have your financial institution send us a check.

If you're in need of help or feeling particularly anxious and alone, please reach out either to one of us directly or on the Bethel Misfits Closed Facebook Group. Together, we can all be creative in finding ways to stay connected and share God's love with one another.

COVID-19 Update


Broadcasting Sunday worship live on Facebook and Zoom

Pastor David and Bethel staff have been monitoring the COVID-19 spread and following the guidelines of the CDC and the Oregon Health Authority. We are prioritizing the safety of our church community and we are implementing the following measures to try to keep everyone safe and healthy:

We will be broadcasting Sunday worship live on Facebook ( and Zoom ( on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM. We will be mailing Sunday School materials to our Bethel families with children enrolled in Sunday School.

Our office will be closed, but you can continue to reach Courtney by email at, Beth at, and Pastor David at Staff remote office hours will still be Monday through Friday from 9 AM – 3 PM. While we are working remotely, we will still be checking our voicemails throughout the day but may not be able to respond to your calls as quickly.

Your pledges and donations keep things running at Bethel. You can send us your pledge, offering, or donation by:

  • Dropping a check off in the mail slot by the Watson Street doors by the choir robes. It will go into a locked box the staff can access.

  • Putting a check in the mail.

  • Giving online through e-Giving by clicking here:

  • If you pay your bills online through your financial institution, you can make Bethel UCC one of your online bill payees and have your financial institution send us a check.

If you're in need of help or feeling particularly anxious and alone, please reach out either to one of us directly or on the Bethel Misfits Closed Facebook Group. Together, we can all be creative in finding ways to stay connected and share God's love with one another.

Even if you've not been attending the Sunday or Tuesday class, everyone is welcome to join us on Tuesday at 11:30 am or 7 pm for the Entering the Passion of Jesus Class via Zoom. The Zoom link is:

During this time of social distancing, it is important to feel connected so please join us for a time of prayer at 6 pm on Wednesday via Zoom. The Zoom link is:

COVID-19 Update

Dear Bethel Members and Friends, 

After careful consideration from myself, Bethel’s moderators, and other key lay leaders, and under the advisement of our Central Pacific Conference minister Rev. Tyler Connoley, we have decided to cancel Sunday worship for this Sunday, March 15.
On March 12, Gov. Kate Brown issued an official notice about her decision to prohibit large public gatherings, as well as the closure of all schools statewide. Within that document she asks people in vulnerable categories (which includes people over 60 years old) not to gather in groups of more than 10 people. In light of these advisories, our conference minister urged UCC churches in Oregon to cease holding worship services until Easter. 

We have had to consider what is best for our Bethel community at this time. We understand that church is a place that helps us to feel connected, secure, and uplifted through the most challenging of times. We also feel strongly committed to safety, the health of our community, and see the value of guidelines that aim to protect the most vulnerable among us. While we have decided to cancel this upcoming worship service, Bethel staff and committee chairs plan to embrace this challenge with creativity, flexibility, and resilience. We will be updating you with our plans for moving our worship services and programs online, convening via teleconference, and staying connected as a community when we can’t gather for Sunday worship in our typical manner. 

Grubby Sunday and the Potato Bar fundraiser originally scheduled for Sunday, March 15 have been postponed.  

The BHS effort to feed the homeless teens WILL continue as scheduled. Special food handling precautions will be followed Sunday evening when food is gathered and Monday morning when it is delivered to Beaverton High School.

The food cupboard will remain open, at least for this week.  Nancy Hilbrick has crafted safe food handling protocols that will protect volunteers and those we serve.

Since we will not be gathering in the Fellowship Hall his Sunday, Beth Astarte and I will offer a “virtual” worship service via Facebook Live on our Bethel Congregational United Church of Christ Facebook page.  If you are not a Facebook user, a video recording will be made available shortly after the service is over.  The video will be posted on our website through our YouTube channel.

As we adjust to the reality and restraints of the pandemic, we intend to create better, more accessible live-streaming technology for the broadcasting of Sunday worship.  Also, we are exploring ways to stay connected during the week.  

Zoom teleconferencing is an excellent tool that we’ve been using in the Central Pacific Conference, and for Lenten classes for a couple of years.  We hope that we can hold a Zoom “mid-week prayer meeting” to both make a connection with each other and to test a new way of creating community.  We will notify you via email with instructions to join a mid-week gathering.

I can honestly say that I have never before experienced a health threat that has generated the universal closures of public gathering places.  It pains me to limit our contact.  It challenges my sense of what it means to be “church.”  And yet, I feel responsible for the well-being of our church community, and the larger community of Beaverton to which we belong. I cannot ignore the guidance of public health authorities and the common sense of limiting exposure.

As difficult as this time is for us, I trust that our “virtual” gatherings will help us to focus on life not illness.  I trust that we can be creative and imaginative with staying connected.  I trust we can rely on tried and true methods of contact, like notes and phone calls.

Remember from our mission statement, “no matter who we are, or where we are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.”  Our journeys may have more physical distance than usual, but by the Spirit of Christ, we remain “one body”.

Grace abounds!

Rev. David Randall-Bodman
Senior Pastor

BHS Spring Food Drive

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We provide a basic supply of groceries to feed homeless students at BHS for the 9 day spring break. We successfully met our goals for food collection for this spring drive! Now it's time to get ready to pack and deliver bags of groceries. The packing and delivery of the food will be March 16 at 9:00 am. Laying the food out occurs the night before, March 15 at 6:30 pm. Thanks in advance for your help with this

CPC Conference Minister Rev. Tyler Connoley Visiting


We will be joined by a special visitor this Sunday! Rev. Tyler Connoley, our newest CPC Conference Minister, will be visiting Bethel on March 1. 

From his bio on the CPC website: Rev. Tyler Connoley is fifth-generation clergy, so you could say church is in his DNA. He has spent most of his adult life serving in the church, first as a lay leader and then as an ordained minister. He grew up in Zambia, where his parents were missionaries in the Wesleyan Church. He came to the United Church of Christ in 2004, and has served in the conference setting of the UCC since 2014. This is his first position as Conference Minister.

Tyler loves connecting people, and helping them find their calling, and has years of experience in group and individual discernment processes. He has been a prophetic voice, advocating for full LGBTQ+ religious inclusion since he came out in 1992. He has more-recently been on the streets advocating for racial and economic justice, taking arrest for the first time in 2019 in an action for Immigrant Justice at the Federal Building in St. Louis. A biblical theologian and storyteller, Tyler has a Master of Arts in Religion and a Master of Divinity, both from Earlham School of Religion. His undergraduate degree is in Business and Economics from Indiana Wesleyan University.