Entering the Passion of Jesus

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Mark your calendars for a very special Lent series - Entering the Passion of Jesus. Inspired by Amy-Jill Levine’s book by the same name, this Worship Design Studio series takes us deeply into the events of the last week of Jesus' life. The events of Christ’s Passion often don’t receive enough time in our worship and study. These stories are important to our faith journey and our identity as followers of Jesus. And yet, the time between Palm Sunday and Easter moves so quickly that we have little time to take in the dramatic story of that last week. During the weeks of Lent, we will “freeze-frame” moments in Holy Week so we might put ourselves in the picture, thereby “Entering the Passion of Jesus.” How might taking a closer look at the ancient story open us to deeper conviction for our role in its ongoing message? More details will follow in the weeks ahead.

"We Care" About the Homeless

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The Bethel UCC Youth are raising money this winter to put together 100 "We Care" bags for anyone who wants to take 2 or 3 bags to keep in their car and distribute to homeless persons in our community. (This is similar to the Blessing Bag project we did a couple of years ago.)

To reach our goal, we need to collect items or donations between now and March 29.  A cash donation of $20 earmarked for this project will fund a "We Care" Bag that contains basic toiletries, healthy snacks, warm clothing articles and special notes from Bethel youth. Donations by check should be made out to Bethel UCC. We would also appreciate (in lieu of a donation) a contribution of any items on the shopping list. Many of these items are inexpensively available at a Dollar Tree, Walmart or K-Mart, and some come packaged in multiples which will help stretch your contribution across more than one Blessing Bag. Many thanks for your help from the Bethel UCC youth! If you have any question, please contact Beth Astarte.

Black Girls in Suburbia Documentary

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Join us for a screening and community dialogue of Black Girls in Suburbia, a Documentary by Melissa Lowey on Saturday, February 22, 2020 from 4-6 pm at Southridge High School in the Community Room. This was shown at the Community Conversation about Race last week. It would be wonderful to have a contingent of Bethel people show up. If you're interested, please contact Beth. Suggested donation is $10 but all are welcome. Click here to see the trailer and a longer sneak peek by clicking here.

Faith Cafe

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It's a new year and it's time for another Bethel/CHUCC Faith Cafe command performance on Sunday, February 9. Please let Susan or Peter Bauer know whether or not you will be able to help out as soon as you are able. (It helps us plan!) As before, please indicate whether you would like to help out with cooking (2 pm arrival), set-up (3:00-3:15 pm arrival), or serving (4:15-4:30 arrival).

After February 9, our next Faith Cafe volunteer opportunity will be March 29. Please mark your calendars.

Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday


The Bethel office will be closed on Monday, January 20 in honor of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday.

Please enjoy these quotes from the incomparable Martin Luther King Jr.:
“Life's most persistent and urgent question is: 'What are you doing for others?" 

“Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.”

“I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality… I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.”

Who Are You?

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You are invited to join us in the new year as we explore a new series from Worship Design Studio called Who Are You? beginning Sunday, January 12.

The new year is a great time to re-look at questions such as "Who are you?" and "Where are you going?" We find ourselves making New Year's Resolutions in an effort to become who we want to be. Sometimes they last but most of the time we end up making the same resolutions year after year. This year we'll delve deeply into the question of "Who are You?" and discover that it is linked indelibly to "Whose You Are?" What amazing things could happen if you lived
into your best, most passionate, loving self? Let's find out together!

Quarterly Women's Gathering: Aim Your Arrow 2020


Join us on Saturday, January 11 from 9:30 AM to 1 PM as we start off 2020 with a special workshop designed and facilitated by Rev. Kathleen Verigin.

Are you ready to step off the edge of 2019 to a new edge that is one of your choosing? That’s what January is for!  In this this fun and meaningful workshop—through meditation, reflection, and ceremony— we will together take aim for a fabulous 2020. The outcome is a Word of Intention that will guide and support you through the next calendar year.
Invite your mothers, daughters, aunts and nieces and friends. Lunch will be provided. Please bring a morning snack to share. Donations will be accepted to help offset costs. If you need child care let Paige know when you register. RSVP to Paige@unangst.net or 503-567-9946.

2 Christmas Eve Services


Christmas Eve Family-Friendly Service

Join us in the sanctuary for a celebration of Christmas that is fun and festive for families with young children, or children of any age. Our early Christmas Eve service on December 24 at 5 pm will include the lighting of the special "mystery" advent candle, a participatory reenactment of the Christmas story as recorded in Scripture and an opportunity to spread the joy by lighting candles and singing Silent Night. With carols, costumes and prayers, this service provides a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas eve at an earlier hour.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

You are invited to join us at a new time - 10 pm on December 24 for a candlelight service as we continue our theme of Heaven and Nature Sing: 300 Years of Joy to the World. Listen to readings, sing carols and hear beautiful music by our Chancel Choir and special guests. The service will end with the lighting of candles and the singing of Silent Night. It is a wonderful way to celebrate God's love through the birth of Jesus!

Faith Cafe

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Last year we had the privilege of serving a turkey dinner the Sunday after Thanksgiving to 130 guests! More than one mentioned that it was the best Thanksgiving in a long time. This year we have the honor of serving Christmas dinner on Sunday, December 22. We expect a great turnout as we turn out a great meal. I know it's a busy time of year; please consider helping make a difference in our guests' holiday.

As always, please let Susan or me know whether or not you will be able to help out as soon as you are able, indicating whether you would like to help out with cooking (2 pm arrival), set-up (3:00-3:15 pm arrival), or serving (4:15-4:30 arrival). After December 22, our next Faith Cafe volunteer opportunity will be February 9, 2020. Please mark your calendars.

Support Beaverton HS Homeless Students

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Update: We still need 100 cans of soup.

This year, we will continue our support for Beaverton High School homeless students for the winter break. We will provide food for the approximately 3 weeks they will be on break from school. We estimate there will be 130 Students to feed. Want to help? Here’s how:

  • Donate high protein soups or money earmarked for BHS Homeless Teens

  • Show up by 8:55 AM on Dec. 16 to pack food and/or drive food to the high school

  • Be available on Dec. 20 to deliver food to students who have been unable to pick it up at school

  • Show up on Wednesday mornings to meet the food delivery from Oregon Food Bank to organize the food into the storage closet

  • Volunteer for an organization job such as directing the volunteers on Dec. 16, organizing the bags leaving the building on Dec. 16

  • Come to Bethel on Dec. 15 after Faith Café (approx. 6:45 PM) to organize food tables and count quantities

  • Pray for the students

  • Volunteer in any other way you think would be helpful

Please contact Nancy Winston at winstonj@comcast.net or 503 544-3323 with help, questions, anything else.

Dan Miller

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This Sunday, December 1, we will have a special guest joining us for worship: Dan Miller, internationally renowned organist! 2019 marks Dan's 20th year as Rodgers Artist and Tonal Professional at Rodgers Instruments US LLC, one of the world’s leading organ builders and maker of Bethel's very own organ, located in Hillsboro. As you attend worship this Sunday, enjoy a special demonstration of virtuosic organ alongside our talented music team and chancel choir.

Blue Christmas

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Each year during Advent, Bethel offers a quieter, more meditative worship service. The holidays can be a difficult time for those who are are coping with illness, grief, loss, other difficulties and challenges of life. And certainly a worship series about joy can seem, at first glance, especially difficult to withstand. Joy might indeed be elusive. But the phrase from the Psalmist, “joy comes in the morning” could also be “joy comes in the mourning.” Joy is not about denying suffering, but rather it is the embracing of the depths of all of life’s emotions that is the very thing that allows us to feel the heights as well. Joy is possible when we understand suffering, It is the school of compassion and love. This Blue Christmas service, by Worship Design Studio, is an integral part of our Advent sermon series and will allow for sacred grief and for a sparking of the flames of hope and gratitude.

Make plans to join us on Sunday, December 1 at 2 pm in Bethel's sanctuary. Pastor David and Called to Care members will be available after the service for any who wishes to stay to speak privately with someone. For further information, please contact Pastor David.

Bethel Supports LGBTQi Youth – Bridging Voices Hope for the Holidays Concert


At the “unwrapping the sabbatical” leadership retreat held October 19th, one of the priorities was to “take our open and affirming identity into the larger community.” To that end, we will purchase a block of tickets to attend the Bridging Voices Choir’s Hope for the Holidays Concert, Saturday, December 14 at 5:00 pm at First Unitarian Church, 1211 SW Main Street.

Bridging Voices (The Portland Gay-Straight Alliance Youth Chorus) is a youth chorus for gay, straight and questioning youth, ages 13-21, and strives to be a safe, accessible place for youth to experience empowerment and unity through music. It is Portland’s first Queer/Straight Alliance Youth Chorus and is one of the largest choruses of its kind, in the nation.

This is a great way to get out and show the public that we are a church that truly honors and values all persons regardless of their sexual or gender identities. If you’d like to be a part of Bethel’s public voice and ministry of presence, contact the church office, (503) 646-1191, to reserve a ticket to the concert. Ticket prices are $15 in advance or $20 at the door.

Heaven and Nature Sing this Advent

The season of Advent begins on December 1 (the Sunday after Thanksgiving.) Our theme this year is Heaven and Nature Sing as we explore the beloved Christmas classic, “Joy to the World,” which turns 300 this year. Composer Isaac Watt’s interpretation of Psalm 98 invites us to sing a “new song”–and it is a powerful cosmic performance of all creation being renewed and freed. Rather than “joy” being yet another word for “happiness,” we will discover that the depths of joy can be found especially in the midst of suffering, the work of justice, and the presence of compassion–all part of the coming of Jesus to this world and a message the world still so desperately needs. You won't want to miss this special Worship Design Studio series as we celebrate Advent